Thanks Meg!
Have you ever used them? So. Easy. And, addictive. I haven't always loved them because when I first tried them they were, to quote Julia Roberts character in "Pretty Woman" when she's trying to eat escargot: "Slippery little buggers". But I think they've gotten loads better and they don't come off the backing stuff as easily or shift around so much. Any that I've used in the past couple of years have behaved. I was at Michaels this weekend searching for some that I'd seen used at Jessica's blog "Craftily Ever After" where she did a great makeover of a key rack. She also has some awesome downloadable Halloween art which she's been sweet enough to share. Go visit and follow her! She'd mentioned she got the rub-ons she used at Michaels. I was so bummed when the Michaels I was in had dismantled their $1 section ( oh yeah..they're a DOLLAR) but all was not lost, I found a really cute pack of DCWV rubons. Still, it was nagging at me ,so when I had to go to Costco last night, which was right next to another Michaels, well you can probably guess the rest but just in case....THEY HAD THEM!!! Yippee!
First I did this:
I was liking the finish on the box . I picked up this scrap piece of wood at a salvage place so I painted it the same way and will use it for a key rack (have to go get the hardware for it) and got to use some of the $1 rub-ons from Michaels. I think I bought 12 packages. Oops.
They have keys, birdcages, eyeglasses, watch / get why I bought 12 packs. They were a DOLLAR and there are an average of 8 images per pack!
And with the rest of my Mariposa DCWV rub-ons, 'cause I was still liking this paint finish, I did a frame:
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I've always been too afraid to use rub ons. Always worried thatthey were too hard to apply correctly. Maybe I'll pick some up the next time I catch the craft supply bug.
I'm with chocoholic, rub-ons have always scared me.
This look fun and if they are easy - I will have to trust you.
I think the frame is my favorite.
Love the finish you used and those rub-ons are gorgeous. I use rub-ons a lot in my crafty projects, and there's one kind that definitely does not come off at all. Unfortunately, the name escapes me right now. Great work!
I have not used rub-ons in a while. Some of the ones I've gotten in the distant past gave me a hard time. These are fantastic looking, and I love how you used them! Great job!
Love it!! Rub ons are the BEST! They can be applied to nearly everything. I love the layering you did with the butterflies over the music paper.
And, I'm probably just being slow and you've had it up for awhile, but I love your spooky blog background!
Awesome! Some of the rub-ons I have don't quite work like they're supposed to, and I often get frustrated with them, but of course, I can't throw them away. :) They do add a lot to a piece, though! Yours are fab!
These came out so great! I have never tried rub ons, still nervous but I should give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing some successes!
i'm not crafty. i do know i like what you did. rose
This looks so cool! I was just in Michaels! Grrrrr. I need to run back and check out their $1 section! Have you entered my giveaway yet? I hope you do!
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