There were some amazing chocolate
treats linked up this week so I’m doing a chocolate showcase! I mean after all…what blog is this?!
Let’s start with these temptations shared by Karyn from Pint Sized Baker. Do they look incredible or what?
Yes, you read that correctly. Chocolate Cream Cheese WITH Peanut Butter! Oh my.
There must be a chocolate, peanut butter, marshmallow bug going around because there were a couple versions of these combos.
From Back for Seconds ( who wouldn’t be with treats like these!):
Jocelyn from Inside BruCrew Life also shared a chocolate and marshmallow confection:
I’d even go camping for these S’mores and those who know me know “I don’t do camping”.
Finally, with College Boy headed home for the Summer soon, this genius idea from Deana over at Country Momma Cooks, will come in handy:

She’s got a great series on bulk recipes from scratch that you really should check out. Better ingredients and cost effective. Even if you’re a small family like mine, if there are things you make frequently this is just a great time saver.
You can thank me ( or curse me lol ) now! Make it a creative week!