Today was one of those days when a project just clicked for me. It started at breakfast when I remembered to save some eggshells. I keep meaning to try blowing some eggs out, but don't remember until usually right after I crack them into a bowl. Even though I forgot AGAIN, this time I decided to keep them broken just as they were and use them in this little Easter / Springtime vignette.
For this project you will need:
- Egg shells ( I used the shells from 2 eggs)
- Cheese cloche ( I found mine on a “Goodwill Thrift Hunting” trip)
- Craft paints ( I used Martha Stewart Feldspar and Smoky Quartz Glitter)
- “Nest materials” I used bark covered wire, coffee filters, and shredded crepe streamers)
- Decorative paper to coordinate w/ your paints
Here are the basics of my project before I started. I painted the wood cheese board and the outside of the egg shells with the Feldspar. While that was drying, I cut out a circle of decorative paper the same size as my board (I had this Japanese washi paper in my stash) and then tore around the edges. Once the paint was dry, I used Mod Podge to apply the paper to the wood.
While the MP was drying, I “speckled” my egg shells using the Smoky Quartz glitter paint. Just kind of glop it on until your satisfied.
I also went around the edge of the wood board with the Smoky Quartz.
While everything was drying I made my nest. I used bark covered wire I found in the floral section at Michaels and just kind of made a free form nest by loosely wrapping in in circles until I was satisfied then twisting the ends together.
I tore the centers from two natural coffee filters, scrunched them then tucked them into the “nest”. I also wanted some type of grass but didn’t have any and was too lazy to go outside and dig up moss. I grabbed a roll of crepe paper streamer from my stash, pulled out a length I didn’t measure, folded it and cut in strips. Crumpled then uncrumpled it. Now it’s time to assemble everything!
I placed some of my streamer grass on the board then placed the nest in the center and added a couple of my painted egg shells. Positioned the others, and added some more crepe grass and then put the lid on. I didn’t glue it down so I’ll disassemble the whole thing when I put it away and if the eggs survive storage they do. If they don’t, they’ll be quick to re-create next year.
I added some bits of jute twine in the middle because birds use whatever they find to build nests right?
I didn’t want to paint the top of the cloche but I felt it needed a little something so I covered a small manila tag with a scrao of leftover washi and kraft papers, added an eyelet and a butterfly charm. Tied the tag to the top of the cloche with plain cotton baker’s twine.
The funniest thing about this is Mr. C didn’t even bat an eye when he saw the eggshells drying by the sink after breakfast. You know how there's a meme "You know you're a crafter when..." We may need to start a new meme called “You know you’re married to a crafter when…”
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