Late January / early February every year, countless vendors come to Tuscon for one of if not the biggest gatherings of gemstones, beads, minerals, fossils and other components in markets and shows in multiple venues. Tents start going up in December. Whether you're looking for finished jewelry, fine gems, gemstones, beads, findings, components, a rockhound looking for raw materials, a collector looking for massive pieces to add to galleries or a home, a fossil collector...there's literally something for everyone! Gift store buyers, hobbyists, professional jewelry designers, you name it, they're all here at one or more of over 60 venues!
I've wanted to go since long before we moved down here. Until you actually see it, it's really hard to appreciate the scope and the amount of work that goes into it. Every continent and multiple states are represented. I remembered this year to take pics to share from the three shows I went to. If anyone has made it to every venue in one season, I tip my hat to them because it can take several hours to get through some of them! Most are open to the public and don't have an entrance fee. There are some that are wholesale only and many are a mix with pricing tiered by wholesale vs retail while others will give wholesale pricing to the public.
The first show I went to this year is the first one I'll probably always go to because there's a vendor there whose findings I stock up on
US Bead Warehouse. No affiliation with them.
This is an indoor venue held in the conference center of the casino. A combination of artisan made finished jewelry, a great selection of handmade lampwork and blown glass beads, gemstone beads, findings etc. It's also part art fair with things like handmade cards, clothing and household items from several countries etc.
Numerous vendors with tables of beads!
Finished Jewelry
Several vendors with chain from silver plated to sterling and copper!
As mentioned, other great finds like these quilled cards!
This show has two large tents with food trucks in between them! Again, an eclectic mix of raw (I mean RAW) materials to finished fine jewelry and art.
Slabs of encased fossils, boxes of raw gemstones, geodes, polished home decor items.
Fossil skeletons! I love to see the kids who've tagged along stare open-mouthed at these and always want to have their pictures taken.
And of course, beads beads and more beads.
This one is HUGE. You'll see why it needs a LOT of space so it's mostly open air tents.
Large geodes to display. Amethyst here. And these aren't even the largest. There are even larger ones, mounted on stands. Things you'd see in hotels, office buildings, galleries, or high end homes.
Mr. Chocolate has loved gorillas since childhood so I had to take a pic of this for him!
Sculptures from every culture!
Lamps, bowls, home decor items in every size and price point.
More tables on tables on tables of beads!
Mr. Chocolate should have come to this show with me because he LOVES Bumblebee Jasper and they had lots of cool pieces from sculptures to tumbled loose rocks, cabochons, beads, and I got him this slab which he totally loves. Glad I went with it because I came home to a very nice new upgraded air fryer / oven / dehydrator that has fourteen setings as a surprise!
At any rate, I hope you've enjoyed getting a peek into this annual event. I never stop wondering at the the things nature produces.