Yay! It’s Friday and time for Blog Feature Friday and a party with all my BFFs. This week, if you haven’t met her, I’d like to introduce you to Maggie from her blog Midwestern Sewing Girl!
Maggie is a sweetheart and a talented crafter. As her name implies, she sews but she does tons more! (And I’m envious of her sewing skills because let’s just say Mom was right and I didn’t listen!)
Look at this gorgeous ruffle pillow! LOVE IT:
And she’s got a tute ( tutorial) for it right
here (and she even had a giveaway but it’s closed now ….sad face)
You may have seen this project that was featured several places…Nest Specimen Art:
I think having the eggs in just one nest makes the whole thing pop!
And even though a trip around the world is NO where in my future. Maggie takes us on a virtual one with this amazing
lampshade she did!

SO cool and she downloaded the graphics for this from The Graphics Fairy. And I have to show this cute Summery pillow she just made
How sweet is this? Makes you want to go out and ride your bike!Much much MUCH more to see over at Maggie’s place so you will have to hop over and pay her a visit.
Now time to PARTY! Let’s see what everyone’s been up to. I know there are lots of graduation, end of year teacher, Father’s day ideas popping up. Link ‘em! Memorial Day celebration ideas and recipes ( you know I’m going to say especially chocolate!) Link ‘em! Re-fab’d, upcycled, re-purposed. Link ‘em! Just no Etsy shops or advertising please and please link to your specific blog post and not your main blog page!