I've never been a pink person. Maybe it's (sorry Mom) having had a pink room or being inherently contrary and disliking what I'm supposed to like. I spent enough time in my pink room and in pink ballet tights etc. that it took me until recently to decide there's a shade of pink I do like and it's this pale pink, ironically called Ballet Slipper by Waverly. But since they're used to me being in black 24x7, I can take a bit of ribbing. This shade of pink goes well with black so there!
After Christmas, I found a pale pink tree at JoAnn for 80% off which inspired these ornaments since I had no Valentine's ornaments. I'll be sharing a couple others I made for the tree.
- Heart Shaped Fillable Containers (Dollar Tree)
- Coffee Filters
- White Glue (Elmers)
- No Prep Paint in White and Ballet Slipper (Waverly, Walmart)
- Paper Crowns
- Self Adhesive Rhinestones
- Ribbon
- Small Flower Embellishments
I found these fillable heart containers at Dollar Tree. I saw ornaments! See that last one with the string and tags inside? Didn't even take them out since I knew I was covering these and used my new favorite technique of coffee filters. While the no prep paint could have gone straight on the plastic, I like texture.
I squirted some glue onto the heart, covered a section then applied some of the coffee filters which I'd crumbled up and torn into usable pieces.
Repeat until all of your hearts are covered. I like to let these dry overnight before painting. Once dry, I applied a coat of the white Waverly no prep paint.
You can see how it looks like a texture paste. Once all of the hearts were painted and dry, I went over with the Ballet Slipper Waverly paint.
I was fine with some of the white peeking through. Once the pink coat was dry, I dry brushed a little silver on and then to add more bling, I used a translucent glitter paint to give it a final coat.
Time to embellish! I grabbed some things from my stash. I thought I might use both the wings and crowns shown here but ultimately went with the crowns.
I tacked the crowns down with a glue stick and then went over with a quick coat of glue. And because I'm a bling girl, I had to add some rhinestones! Sparkle sparkle!
I had some snowflake ornament hangers from my Christmas stash I thought worked with these since we're still in Winter. I grabbed these pink mini-flowers from my stash and added them to the center of the snowflake and then applied the rhinestones as shown. To finish, I made bows from black satin ribbon et voila!
See? I even did pink nails!
I have two more ornament projects I made for my tree which I'll share this week!