Happy Friday Eve all. It's unbelievable to me that we're already at the end of January and that Sunday is the SuperBowl. I am not a huge football fan but can't escape the hometown pride and energy that's taken over the Seattle area so needless to say, I'll be rooting for the Seahawks! Don't worry, I still like you if you're rooting for the Broncos.
Here are some highlights from last week's party which was the best turnout ever.
Love Pottery barn design but not the prices? The Pin Junkie has a great project showing how to knock off the PB picture ledges for a much smaller price.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner and Jenn at 24 Cottonwood Lane has some adorable printables to share.
Laura over at Pet Scribbles has a glitter paint project that would be perfect for Valentine's Day or any occasion. These glitter boxes work as gifts themselves as well as to hold a little something special.
Sit down if you're not already. Don't say I didn't warn you. This week's chocolate feature is um well just let me show you:
Told you. Butterfinger Cup Sundae Cupcakes. Should come with a warning label don't you think? Go see Life With The Crust Off for the details. If you dare!
With that, on to this week's festivities!