We are in the home stretch Makers! My best present and the one I want the most in the whole world is on his way. Son and Granddog are headed this way and can't wait until they get here.
Every time I mail cards I hold my breath in suspense until one of the recipients confirms receipt because the Post Office can sometimes hate me for my thicker than normal cars. Whew! This week I shared the Christmas cards I made this year along with some last minute Peppermint Gnome candle additions to my Hot Chocolate Bar.
You all have been quite busy so let's take a look at some of the wonderful things shared at last week's party!
Fresh Lisa by Lisa S shared a way to bring even more vintagey goodness to bottlebrush trees using faucet handles! Love.
The DIY Dreamer shared a wonderful way to create ornaments from old light bulbs (I've also seen lightbulb ornaments).
Brilliant! We've seen doll houses transformed into Haunted Houses but Jennifer from Studio 27 has taken it to a whole 'nother level by making a Gingerbread House! Genius.
Finally, given my husband's Norwegian background and my own ties to Denmark, I really need to make this one year. This is a traditional Danish Christmas dessert shared by Lazy Budget Chef. We do have a tradition of Nisse gifts so I really should make this for Nisse night which we celebrate on 12/23!
OK. Now let's see what everyone's been up to this week!
Thank you for sharing my Christmas tree faucets!
Merry Christmas to you :)
Thank you for hosting! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for featuring my gingerbread house!
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