Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My 2013 Word: Confident

Confident 2013-001

Like many bloggers, I’ve become fond of picking a word for the year. I did this last year for the first time (my word was “focus”) and created a printable for it that I framed and hung outside my home office / craft room door.I decided to do it again this year because it helped to see it displayed there every time I went into my office.

I’ve always had people tell me that they think I’m so self confident when in reality the opposite is more often true than not. I am my own worst critic; hardest on myself, riddled with self doubt . Truth is, I’ve always struggled with being confident in myself.

What’s the line between confident and arrogant? How can you be the former without being obnoxious and self important? These are things that have always  been at the back of my mind.

But I do want to be confident in a positive and healthy way and it’s not like I’m a whimpering puddle in the corner but just really want to focus on not feeling guilty about being confident if that makes any sense? I think as women, we struggle with that. Mr. Chocolate helps me with this but it's still something I need to work on from within.

I want to be confident in growing my blog while remaining true to myself. Working with new brands and sponsors and maybe some ads, but again, not losing my authenticity. I need to learn how to say “no” with confidence. I’m learning how to prioritize myself. My day job is one of those where if I don’t set limits , no one else will and it will consume me and I need to do that with a strong sense of confidence too.

When College Boy graduated from High School almost two years ago, I used this portion of a  quote from Thoreau on a lot of cards and décor I made :
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined.
This is going to be a milestone year for me ( more on that to come later) so it’s in that spirit that I’ve chosen the word “Confident”.

Do you have a word of the year for 2013? If so, will you share it in the comments?


lindalou said...

I haven't ever picked a word, but I like reading about other's words. It inspires me to think. I like your choice for 2013.

Roxana White said...

beautiful post. My word is Hope

Janet Pelczynski said...

My word this year is believe. I like to incorporate with other words.. Believe in yourself, believe you can reach your goals and believe what you are doing is the correct path. I like your word too and might use it with mine.. Believe that you can be confident..

Unknown said...

I completely understand your post. People call me self confident too but sometimes , for me anyway, it's just a front. Inside I may be a quivering mess but I put on a brave face and go forward. For my word this year I chose "Heal" you can read more about it on my blog if you're interested.

Thanks for the great post, it's nice to know we're not alone.

Doreen said...

I think one must "aspire" for balance in one's life, whether trying to balance work and play, a clean house and slighly that "lived in" look, eating chocolate and salmon 3x/week, and so on. Between your "confidence" and my word, "aspire," we'd make a great team!

Bethany @ A Fish Who Likes Flowers said...

I haven't chosen a word for the year for myself, but I LOVE the word you have chosen for yourself. I too have trouble with confidence, and constantly question my decisions and myself. I think it's a beautiful thing to know that you are happy with who you are and what you can do.

Samantha said...

You go for it, I think you're great and I can't wait to see your confidence grow this year!

My word is simplify. I see lots of de-cluttering coming! xx

Amy at Ameroonie Designs said...

I love your word Carol. I can't wait to see all that comes to be in your life this year.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, Carol. Thank you! I love the word you picked for 2013.