Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jingle Bells…Repurposed Belt

I’m anxious to start working on Halloween stuff so naturally I did a Christmas project first. What can I say? When an idea comes, it comes.
Jingle Bell Belt (2)
For years I’ve seen old sleigh bells on leather straps in antique stores. Unfortunately, they tend to be really pricey and I haven’t been able to justify the purchase because if you ask Mr. Chocolate, the last thing I need is more Christmas stuff. PS. Don’t ask Mr. Chocolate !
Speaking of him, one of his favorite belts recently bit the dust so he dropped it off in my craft room because he figured I could do something with it. Then the Christmas stuff started showing up in the stores and… belt plus bells = my sleigh bell strap!
Jingle Belt 
This was one of those things that looked old when it was new so it was even better after being worn. I liked the texture until I went to punch holes in it. My Cropodile made it through!
Jingle Bells (2)
Michaels had these great bells that are kind of textured, almost hammered looking.
I punched holes all along the belt , and tied each bell on with twine. My brain said it was better to do each one individually so they wouldn’t all come off if one came off.
Jingle Bell Belt
I left the buckle on which I’ll use to hang my “sleigh belt”. And now that I have this, I feel totally justified next time I see an antique sled ‘cause I don’t think you know who has one of those in his closet!
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Jamie said...

Brilliant!!!!!!! I know how it is when the inspiration hits and you just have to do it!

Anonymous said...

Cute! I never would have thought to use a belt. I'll have to look for one next time I'm at Goodwill.

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

Great idea, Carol! I love these, and you're right, they are always super pricey! Love it!

Netty said...

Terrific idea Carol, and it looks great as well........Annette x

Unknown said...

How fun! I love the textured bells. I can't believe that the holiday season is just right around the corner!

Melissa said...

Brilliant idea.

1CardCreator said...

I say check the garage, looks like Mr.C is holding out on you, ha ha! Love the belt.

Christine said...

I think I could find an old belt around here somewhere....hmmmm. What a great idea-love it!

lindalou said...

Dang you are sure clever. Great idea.

And I can't believe you are even thinking about Christmas already.

Anonymous said...


Our Hopeful Home said...

Gotta love sleigh bells! I have a few that I hang around the house..Yours look spectacular! Great job, friend.


Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Carol,
How adorable!!! I'd love to feature you in one of the upcoming weeks on the Girl's Club, so could you send me a pic of something that's Shabby Chic? It doesn't have to be pink! LOL Just something shabby...I LOVE your work and I'd love to share it.

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Very clever idea and always a good idea to create when inspiration strikes LOL. Tracy x

Mrs Minton makes... said...

Great designs.. you've inspired me!..