Showing posts with label Procreate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Procreate. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

Free Valentine's Printables


I laughed when I was at the grocery store the day after Christmas and they'd already moved on to Valentine's Day. It seems like we jump from one holiday to the next at light speed from Star Wars and it's no different in the crafting world. 

So naturally, since it's January, we're focused on Valentine's, right? I have a few projects I've worked on that I'm excited to share but for now, here are some free printables to get things started. 

Creative Fabrica and Procreate!

Would love to see if you use them! 

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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Holiday Printables


Creative Fabrica subscription plus Procreate equals more Printables than I know what to do with. Which is why sharing is caring right? You can download these here

If you use any, would love to see! 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Free Fall Printable


Since I'm "mobility limited" still, sharing another printable. Spending a LOT of time with Procreate and it's a good thing I have a Creative Fabrica subscription so I have unlimited downloads of images, fonts, brushes and palettes!

I used watercolor Procreate stamps in a Fall palette, combined with Fall themed Procreate brushes. 

Please download here

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Free Printable: Fall Is My Favorite Color


Even if it doesn't feel like it here in the desert where we're still in triple digits but given weather elsewhere, trust me, I am NOT complaining and continuing to hold all those in Milton's path and Helene's wake in my thoughts. 

Before an epically stupid "yes, I knew better" move of falling off of my kitchen countertop while Halloween decorating, one ER and one trauma center visit, and having to have my knee stitched back together, I got my house mostly haunted. What didn't get finished will just have to wait until next year when I will no longer be climbing on countertops! creativity is once again limited to Procreate, Creative Fabrica, and my iPad and sharing this Fall (pun intended) printable. Please download here

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Gothic Printables with Procreate and Creative Fabrica


I haven't been making physical things as much as I'd like right now but I have been having way too much fun creating things digitally. I can't say enough about getting my money's worth out of my Creative Fabrica subscription. Not selling, just sharing. 

I'm also learning Procreate as I go...I do better by playing around, finding what I'm trying to do via You Tube etc. and have taken a couple of free classes. So I don't profess to be an expert but I had a ton of fun with these and sharing is caring right? 

I combined backgrounds I made in Procreate with images from Creative Fabrica and quotes for the season from some of my favorite writers. 

A quote from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to remind us about unleashing the power of the monsters we create. 

Can't do gothic without Poe! 

I have no doubt that Thoreau was an introvert like me! 

And just for fun, nothing beats the love of a good BOOk!

If you download, please do so here. And if you use, would love to see! 

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Fun Halloween Coffee Printables: Creative Fabrica and Procreate


Happy September! You know what that means...Full on Halloween time! I've been having too much fun with my Creative Fabrica subscription and Procreate so here are some Printables to share! 

My creativity is fueled by iced-mochas so combining Halloween and coffee was a no brainer! Also me: 

Who says a ghost can't also be a fashionista?!

Self-explanatory! You can download here. Free for personal use but would love to see if you use! Please email  if you have issues accessing! 

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