Showing posts with label My French Twist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My French Twist. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2022

BFF Open House


Well Hello, Creative Peeps! I hope everyone had a peaceful Fourth of July. One thing I love about where we are now is we heard NO fireworks. Last year was a nightmare between professional and amateur noise that sent our big girl into a loud barking frenzy. Not scared, just telling everyone what she thought which is cute the first time but not when people don't know when to quit at 3AM. But I digress. 

Back in the saddle with features this week and I even had a chance to make something! Actually two things so far, only one of which I've posted yet. See how I modernized a ceramic candleholder to fit with our new home here: White and Silver Cactus Candleholder Makeover

I haven't been in any craft stores in a few weeks so I'm predicting by the next time I go I'll see Halloween and maybe even Christmas. Time will fly from here on out. Let's take a look at some of the things you've been up to lately! 

I haven't made any jewelry lately so these beautiful Boho Bracelets from My French Twist caught my eye. Aren't they pretty?!

Speaking of Halloween supplies, start being on the lookout now for this Witch Hat Frame at Dollar Tree. The Apple Street Cottage has a great way to transform it into an Ice Cream Cone themed piece, perfect for Summer. 

I just love this idea from My Thrift Store Addiction to add both nature and lights to an outdoor space with these Vine Light Covered pieces! I can see the Faeries coming to them now. 

Finally, how about this delicious looking Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie from Scratch Made Food for Hungry People? Yes please! 

Thank you to everyone who linked up and your patience with no features for the past few weeks. Now let's see what amazing feats you've been up to this week! 

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

BFF Open House


Happy Friday Eve all! I hope everyone who celebrated Mother's Day had a very happy one. Mr. Chocolate made me a lovely breakfast, I had a great call from my son who was holed up with COVID, and made The Mumster a special dinner. The best news of the week is that as of today, our son tested negative for COVID and so glad he was vaxxed and boosted. Whew! 

I'm working on a very special project I'm not ready to share yet but just a heads up that I probably won't be creating much over the next several weeks. Not that I've been doing tons lately anyway but still...

Lots of fun things shared at last week's party so let's take a look at some fun projects. 

Who did string art as a kid? I had fun doing it with scraps of wood and did a piece a couple of years ago at a DIY studio. Creatively Beth is back with a wonderful and fun way to do it to make a card! Who wouldn't like to receive something this cute? 

I always worry that no one shares my macabre sense of humor and then someone like Wendy from My French Twist comes along and lets me know I'm not alone. You may remember I found some creepy doll heads last Halloween so it shouldn't surprise you that this cracked me up and I had to share! 

Artsy VaVa is back with another fabulous makeover. This time of a footed Sewing Box. This would make such a great storage addition to any room! 

Finally, Nutella? Check. Banana? Check. Beautiful Yeast Bread? Check Check Check. From Treat and Trick. This is both beautiful and one of my favorite flavor profiles! 

Wishing you all a peaceful and happy weekend and can't wait to see all of the creativity you've been up to this week! 

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