Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Eeek! New Year's

We don't do a big New Year's Eve thing. For one thing, it's past my bedtime and there are too many intoxicated people on the road. So we tend to hunker down at home and have been known to celebrate at midnight Eastern time just in case we accidentally fall asleep at midnight our time! Still, it's fun to have some decorations to ring in the New Year.

I found this wonderful collection via Living Locurto ( which if you're unfamiliar with Amy's site, get familiar NOW):
It's everything you could possibly need and it's from a site called: Love The Day . Not only is this fabulous, but it's in support of a fantastic organization called "Operation Shower" that provides baby showers for deployed military families.  If you can't find something to use in this collection...

I also found this cute (and FREE!) Subway Art inspired printable via a web search at Custom Printables :
More awesomeness at Tip Junkie.

So, what will you do to celebrate New Year's? Big party, small gathering, flip the calendar in the morning?


Christine said...

Thanks for listing that third option! LOL! I am totally flipping the calendar in the morning...Happy New Year!

Chrissy said...

Thanks for the printable!

Small gathering here, too! Hate waiting for "it" to happen and then go to bed...just family and a few friends having fun.

Happy New Year's!!

Unknown said...

love the printable!
We always end up at our friend's house -- they host NYE every year =) it's their thing!

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Fun sites! We just hang out at home for New Years, too~ a snowstorm is supposed to hit and my husband has to work, so I've got a date with a good book! Hope you have a fun evening!

Ali Richardson said...

Thanks for the fun sites, I'll definitely go check 'em out. We usually have a fun night at home with the fam on NYE. My sis and some friends come over. Board games, movies, snacks, and we have been known to do a fake countdown for the kiddos around 9pm, and then again for real for us grown-ups. FUN! Happy New Year!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Dropping by to wish you a chocolatey new year!

Pamela said...

Love the subway art. Thanks.

We usually go out for Lunch on New Years then are home by dark. I don't like to share the road with drinking people. :-)

Netty said...

We are really boring on New Years Eve.....bottle of wine and a few nibbles and we chat about all the happenings of the year with our favourite music in the background, then when we are all laughed and talked out we fall into bed.......lol told you it was boring......Annette x

lovetheday said...

Thank you so much for sharing my New Year's Printables on behalf of Operation Shower. I really, really appreciate you spreading the word.