Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Earth Day

This week's link party continues here thru Sunday!

Earth Day lettering and doodle ( no Mr. Chocolate, the earth is not intended to be an actual rendering!) . 

Had fun combining my doodle with Nursery images from The Hungry JPEG. 

Here's the plain version: 

I used Tombow Dual Tip brush pens to color the earth and the letters. If you buy these make sure you buy the blending pen! It's got a clear top and it is EVERYTHING! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

BFF Open House Link Party

Happy Friday Eve all! Hope everyone's had a wonderful week and Spring is acting like it in your neck of the woods. Here in the PNW we've had seveal days of every kind of weather except snow lately. I'm talking in the same day. Sunny then rainy then thunder then sunny. Lather rinse repeat.  Let's see some ideas from last week's party! 

LOVE this Spring tablescape from Much More Creative using pedestals she made. Even though Easter is over, this is perfect for the rest of Spring. I am a sucker for anything on a pedestal. 

How fabulous would those pedestals look on top of this amazing farm table Artsy VaVa shared? More amazing? HER SON MADE IT. Yes I needed to put that in all caps. HE MADE IT! If he ever decides to stop being an Architect, he's got a calling right? Not surprising he's got such a great eye with a mom as creative as he has. 

Any pet parents out there? I have an older dog who would love to snuggle in this Pampered Pooch Pocket from Kileen at Raven Would. Who wouldn't feel cozy in this and even if your sewing skills are limited ( like mine) it looks pretty straightforward. 

YUM is all I have to say about these Chocolate Kiss Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies from Sugar Spice and Family Life

Now let's see what everyone's been up to this week! 


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lettering Practice: Coffee Humor

I've noticed I have something in common with all of the hand lettering artists whose work I love. We share a love of coffee. 

My preferred drink is iced mochas. Doesn't matter what time of year it is, it's an iced mocha for me. 

So, I attempted to sketch one out ( can you tell my home away from home by the green straw? )  and then scanned in and added a marbled paper background. 

But then I couldn't decide if I wanted to leave it alone or add something more so I played around and added a watercolor "splat" .  Graphics are from The Hungry JPEG. 

Mocha time! 

Monday, April 17, 2017

My Easter Basket Goodies

I mailed Phd Boy all the Easter chocolate in his Easter "Boxsket". My basket actually got filled on Saturday when I got to go to one of my favorite places, Shipwreck Beads. It is a HUGE warehouse filled with anything and everything a beader or jewelry maker could want. 

Not that I needed anything but that's beside the point right? I mean they were having a sale and since the warehouse is 90 minutes away from home and I don't get there frequently and ...... you get the point. They have a great website and their sale goes through tonight I think. Just sayin' :) 

I picked up some Kiwi Sesame Jasper and Amazonite, miscellaneous findings and connectors, Vintage French and Venetian seed beeds, and some Lucite Petal Flowers. Not sure what I'm' making with any of it yet but not the point right? 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

BFF Open House Link Party

Happy Friday Eve all! Hope it's been a good week for everyone. Easter weekend is upon us so here are some last minute ideas to try or Pin for next year! 

This Spring vignette from An Extraordinary Day can stay up well after Easter. I love all the pussy willows and that big moss egg along w/ the golden eggs and birds. Wondering if that little bunny is chocolate? 

The only thing better than Pottery Barn is a great PB knockoff like this glittered bunny from Pugs and Paisley. Fess up. Who (else) walks through PB saying "I can make that". 

Speaking of Pottery Barn, this stunning floral table runner from Bird's Party looks like it could have come out of their catalog doesn't it? So pretty and and would be perfect for a Mother's Day or bridal shower table. 

If you need an addition to your dessert table, these Chocolate Cake Bites Wrapped in Coconut from Make Easy Cakes is just the thing. For me, chocolate and coconut is an irresistible combination! 

Now on to this week's party! 


Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy Monday! Be Fierce: Lettering and Graphics Practice

Happy Monday ( I'm trying to convince myself of that). Hope everyone had a great weekend and is off to a good new week. 

Sharing some more lettering practice combined with digital graphics. 

I started with this quote I lettered last week. I go back and forth between coloring my lettering pieces and leaving them black and white so I can play with them once they're scanned in. 

If you are  not familiar with the site The Hungry JPEG, you should be! They have premium design resources ( combination of free and fee). I grabbed a Floral Megabundle one week when it was free ( it's fee now) which is what I used for this graphic. You definitely want to get on their email list or follow them so you'll know when they offer free bundles! 

Using PicMonkey, I changed the background and added a couple of digital elements from the Floral Bundle and done. 

I haven't yet decided what I'm using this graphic for ... most likely it will appear on a future card but one more for my "stash".