Friday, July 16, 2010

"Christmas" ( and More) Open House Link Party!

Welcome, one and all to the first ever linky party at The Answer Is Chocolate! So glad you're here. What better time to have a holiday themed link party than in the middle of Summer? It's never to early to get ready for the holidays, so I thought I'd do this once a month through September, then weekly! Please link up decor, cards, gifts you've made, recipes...anything that goes from Halloween through New Year's! I realize it's early yet so even if it's not for / from this year, link it up because a lot of us are new since last holiday season and who can't use a new inspiring idea?

One of the things I love about the blogging community is how supportive everyone is of each other, especially us newbies. So please please please visit  at least two other links won't you? And leave them some bloggy comment love?

Christmas Open House Link Party Rules:
  • Link to your specific post, not your main blog
  • Describe your linked item  and don't just list your blog name
  • Please grab my button and place in your post on on your sidebar
  • No fruitcake ( just kidding...mostly) 
To celebrate my first link party and reaching the 200 ( now 219!) follower mark, I'm giving away a little something to get us in the spirit:

And what's a stocking without stuffers? So it will come with some goodies that may or may not include chocolate ! To qualify for the giveaway:
  • Link up something to this party
  • Leave a comment 
  • Be or become a follower 
Both the giveaway and party will close at midnight Sunday July 18.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chain Chain Chain.....Chain of Flowers

Sorry Aretha. Ooops. Miss Franklin.  After I made my first "bib" necklace  and used some chain I'd bought one day just because it was there, I had more chain leftover. OK I had a whole 'nother package of it because I have "Noah's Ark shopping disease" and buy everything in at least twos. Anyway, I decided to try another necklace, not quite as "bibby" but more with a medallion kind of look. I had more organza in my stash and more old tee shirts on hand, so I cut a couple into strips and made rolled rosettes....
I still wanted these to be lighter and softer than a traditional felt backing would allow so I thought Hmmmm...why can't I use tee shirt fabric as my base? So I did. Used fusible webbing stuff to glue two pieces together for the base:
Made layered flowers from organza and then put them and the tee shirt rosettes together on the base in a pattern I liked, hot glued them down then trimmed around to get the shape. I find this easier than cutting out a shaped base and then putting the flowers on but that's me. Sewed my chain on, and didn't even use a jump ring to add the clasp, just opened up one link of the chain and :

Linking Up At:
 Beyond The Picket Fence

504 Main

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Christmas Is Coming and Tuesday & Wednesday Hops!

Here's part of what I'm giving away for my "Christmas Open House" link party on Friday July 16:
 Lady Jingle Elf's Stocking

 Looking forward to seeing  great Holiday goodies! Halloween is OK too! 

Welcome to those stopping in from :
504 Main

Tuesday Tag-Along

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mmmmmmm Milanos!

Check out this new flavor of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies! There's a contest that ends July 25 where you can enter to win a BUSHEL of these! A. Bushel.

Grand Prize is a “bushel” (case) of irresistibly delectable new Strawberry Milano® cookies!  You could be one of 1,000 winners!  This sweepstakes is open to Milano fans only, click the “Like” button on the Facebook Page before entering.  

 And, you can go here to get a coupon for a $.55 coupon immediately : Get a coupon for 55¢ off Strawberry Milano cookies here

Disclaimer: I am a member of One2One Network through whom I received this widget.

I Tutued!

I was very inspired by Samster Mommy's  Tutu 2010 drive, that I tried my hand at making one last night and I think it turned out OK. No, it's not exactly going to be used by any Bolshoi ballerinas but that wasn't the point anyway :)  I more or less followed the instructions that the Greenbean's Crafterole used, which she modified from Samster Mommy's tutu-orial.  I used a roll of tulle cut in 24 inch lengths ( so when they're doubled over they're 12 inches in length) and tied them to a length of satin ribbon. It was super easy and for a first crack at making a tutu, I think it will work:
Excuse that piece that's flipped up in the really does lay down! 

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive
Linking Up At: 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tutu Special Tutu Not Spread The Word

It's been unusually hot in my neck of the woods and I have not felt like doing much making of anything these past several days. I like to try to keep my blog current by posting something daily and I was at one of those "I got nuthin" places today. Then, I checked my reader and saw something on one of the blogs I recently began following, Greenbean's Crafterole ( I just love that name)  that just needs to be blogged about and shared...even if I'm the last person in the blogiverse to have found out about this...I'm guessing I'm not.

Greenbean blogged here about "Tutu Drive 2010" which  is an effort to collect dress up clothes to donate to seriously ill children. She learned about it from another blogger, Samster Mommy who is coordinating this blogland drive.  It's part of the Princess Alexa Foundation  which Samster Mommy tells us was started by a mom to a little girl named Alexa who liked to go everywhere dressed as a princess, but who sadly, lost her battle with her illness in 2008.

We came through the one scare we had with our son when he was 2 and he has been blessed with good health ever since. I cannot imagine anything more devastating than knowing that your child was seriously or terminally ill. I also can't imagine that gathering things like dress up clothes would or even could be high on the list of things you have to do. So this just sounds like the most awesome thing that creative and crafty people could do. Here's what Samster Mommy is doing (and I've linked directly to the post w/ all of the details):

#1 Make/Buy a tutu sometime between now & July 20th & mail it to Samster Mommy. It's needs to be sealed in a ziploc baggie & the baggie should be labeled with the size. She'll gather all the goods together & send them off to Crys in one big box of tutu goodness! And if you can, email her a pic of your creation so she can feature it on the blog.

Please mail all donations to:

Samster Mommy
P.O. Box 84132
Gaithersburg, MD 20883

#2 Please help spread the word! (100 tutus is a lot & if she  doesn't get enough people involvedshe's going to be spending a lot of all-nighters with her tulle stash.) You'll see there are two buttons available on her sidebar for the Tutu Drive, if you have a blog all you have to do is copy the html code below the button & paste it as either a gadget (there's a gadget for html) in your sidebar or just paste it directly into your blog post in "edit html" mode.

I will attempt #1, but #2 was easy to do. So let's help Samster Mommy reach her goal OK?

Samster Mommy Tutu Drive

She's even got a "10 Minute Tutu-torial" right here!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Apparently, I'm Very Versatile

because Steph S, from "A Day In The Life Of A Grad Student's Wife" has presented me with another "Versatile Blogger" award! Thank you so much Steph!

UPDATE: Jessica, from Caterpillar Family passed this on to  me the next day so I'm cheating a bit and combining it with Steph's. 
Steph has a lovely blog and right now she's got a feature called Stephanie S Button and a picture of my favorite drink in the entire world, a Starbuck's Iced Mocha, so you know we get along fine! And she has an etsy store with some very cool signs.

So now on to the rules of the award and I have to say, I have a dilemma. I have been fortunate to receive a few of these lately and since you have to tell 7 things about yourself and I am just NOT that interesting, I'm going to modify this a bit. I have mentioned that I can relate almost anything to a movie so I'm going to list the 7 movies I've seen at least 7 times!
  1. "The Godfather"
  2. "The Godfather Part Two"
  3. "Steel Magnolias"
  4. "The Color Purple"
  5. "Terms of Endearment"
  6. "Rocky"
  7. "The Hunt For Red October"
How's that for versatile? And now to the 15 bloggers to whom I'm passing this on:
  1. 504 Main (Holly loves mochas too!)
  2. Beyond The Picket Fence
  3. Blommi
  4. Cindy Adkins Whimsical Musings
  5. Decor Chick
  6. Diary of A Chocoholic ('nuff said!)
  7. Envirocraftiness
  8. Flamingo Toes
  9. Less Cake More Frosting
  10. Life By Chocolate
  11. Ma What's For Dinner?
  12. Mom. Undecided
  13. Roller Coaster Life
  14. Sweet European Dreams
  15. These Creative Juices
Please go check out these wonderful blogs! Thanks again Steph!