Happy Fourth and Friday Eve, all. Putting this party up early today. I wish everyone a safe and happy celebration and thinking of pets and vets who are affected by fireworks.
I actually sat down and made something this week! Birthday Card in Two Colors
Our Grand Lives shared a fun and just as mesmerizing alternative to fireworks made with things you very likely already have on hand! Fireworks In a Jar!
Definitely PIN this for next year! Fresh Vintage by Lisa S shared this idea using Vintage Sparkler Boxes and Wood Firecrackers!
Thanks to all who linked up and again, stay safe and have fun!
Carol, thank you so much for hosting every week. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a happy Fourth of July! Thank you for adding my succulent garden to the list of features.
Carol, Thank you for hosting and letting all of us come and share with your readers, I appreciate it! Melynda @scratchmadefood!
Thanks, Carol, for hosting and having me over weekly. Hope you had a fantastic July 4th celebration
My entries this week are numbered #94+95
Please join and share your posts with us https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/
Thanks for the party Carol. Have a wonderful weekend. XO- MaryJo
Thanks so much, Carol, for highlighting our "Fireworks in a Jar" post! We were tickled to see it featured here when we returned from our blogging break over the holiday! We so appreciate you and this link up opportunity!
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