NOTE: I goofed up somehow and did text only links. Inlinkz won't let me switch to thumbnails so will fix for next week!
Happy Friday Eve all! Usually the best day of the week. Hope everyone's had a good one. Seems like we were just here doesn't it? But you can never have too many parties ( except in real life...I am a total party pooper!).
Let's take a look at some great shares from last week's party.
If you've ever wondered what you'd do with a dress form, here's a spectacular idea. In total love with this stunning Valentine's dress form from My Thrift Store Addiction. Gorgeous!
The ingenious Mich in LA shared this lovely ring made from fleece and felt scraps! Who'dathunk of this except her? Not me!
Avacadoes aren't just for guacamole ( but oh how I love guacamole!). This time of year is hard on the skin yet so many commercial masks still have chemicals. This one from Alba Rosa can be made from all natural ingredients you likely have in your kitchen.
With Valentine's Day rapidly approaching, time to start thinking up special treats. How about this Raspberry Cream and Brownie Trifle for Two from the ladies at Lolly Jane?
Now, let's see what you've been up to this week!