Showing posts with label plugin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plugin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why I Relate to nrelate...Great Plug In Tool for Blogger or Word Press

I love blogging tools that are easy to use and really become part of the fabric of my blog. nrelate is one of those tools and it is one of the easiest plug ins I’ve installed on my blog.

Well what is it you ask? nrelate is a related content plugin for your blog.  If you look at the bottom of each of my posts, you’ll see thumbnails of other related, posts. This is a great way for your readers to see other projects you’ve done that are similar to the one they may be viewing.  And for me as a busy and sometimes forgetful blogger, I confess I've forgotten some of my previous projects and  get a little surprise reminder “oh yeah, forgot about that one” when I see the thumbnail come up on a new post.

Why would you want to do this you ask? You have a lot of blog content beyond what may be visible on your front page at any moment that may otherwise go unseen. Sure you probably have your posts on your sidebar by month but this is another super simple way for your readers to navigate and explore your blog.

How do I install it you ask? Easy Peasy!

For Blogger:

For Word Press:

My experience has been that you get very relevant post results linked within your post and you can decide what thumbail style, size etc you want. The one time I had to contact nrelate for support they were SO responsive. If you are looking for a tool to help manage your blog this is one worth checking out. And did I mention it's free?

I am being compensated for this post but the opinions are mine. I was an nrelate user for months prior to this post.