From Tanya at Greetings From The Asylum we had a great Anthro knock off…she might give Bev from Flamingo Toes a run for her money!
Speaking of Bev, she has found another source to amaze us with her talent for not only knocking off a design at a fraction of the price but making hers look even better. Look at this necklace she knocked off from Loft!
Maggie over at Midwestern Sewing Girl shows why Sewing is included in her blog name ( Super Fantastic Thrift Store Find Makeovers is probably too long for a blog name!)

I am so in love with typography and fonts that if she lived near me, this just might go missing! You should see how this started out!
So many great projects…if you haven’t checked these and all the others out yet, GO!! NOW!
See y’all again on Friday! And if you were featured, feel free to grab a button from my sidebar!

Terrific pieces. Annette x
Great projects--I know what you mean about the ottoman--it's amazing!
Thanks for the feature! That just made my day! :)
You've got an eye for the good stuff Carol! Lovely crafty round-up!
CAROL! Thank you so so much for featuring my ottoman! You make me happy...;)
Thanks so much for featuring my necklace Carol!! You made my day. :)
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