Starting last year, I decided that rather than make a list of resolutions, I’d have a word that would be my theme for the year and I’d try to apply it to all the things I wanted to do.
For 2011 it was “DISCOVER" and I think it worked well. It was a year of lots of new things…son’s graduation from HS and starting college ( and discovering how to let go!) ; changing jobs ( discovering new skills); all kinds of blogging discoveries like new bloggy friends, ideas,technical how-tos etc. You get the idea.
I decided I’d stick with this idea for 2012 and pick a new word.
2012’s word for me is FOCUS:
This word just fit into all the things I keep thinking about for the year ahead. I want to FOCUS on me. Not in a selfish way, but in a healthy way. Taking better care of my physical and mental health. Ensuring that I’m in good shape so I can be there for those I love.
I made this printable to frame and hang outside my office door as a daily reminder.
I also want to FOCUS on things I want to do in blogging. Continue to grow but stay authentic. FOCUS on why I started blogging and have it be part of my creativity but not dictate my creativity. FOCUS on expanding realationships while maintaining the ones I already value and treasure.
You know I can't resist an opportunity to make a pun so I also want to FOCUS on taking better pictures. I'm excited to play with a portable light box I got for Christmas!!
FOCUS on the
US in my relationship with hubs. We celebrated our 20th Anniversary this year and yet it seems like just yesterday that we got married. We’re still adjusting to this whole empty nest thing but as hard as it was to adjust to our son being gone for long chunks of time, we re-DISCOVERED what it’s like to be a couple again, just the two of us. In 2012 I want to FOCUS on that some more in 2012. Love you so much Mr. C.
I want to FOCUS on the things that are really important and not dwell on the things that aren't. That's something I know I need to work on...just a little OCD sometimes!
So you get the picture. This just clicked for me as a word that encompassed everything. Do you have a word that describes what you want from 2012?