A logical extension of re-using stuff is using the stuff we already have and the worst kept secret among those of us creative types is we tend to have tons of ahem, "stuff". And I don't know about you, but as much "stuff" as I have, I can always buy more. So I was hesitant at first to sign up for Stashbusting September, wondering whether I could resist the lure of the JoAnn's and Michaels 40 and sometimes even 50% coupons, or the pull of the Dollar Tree and Goodwill and I decided I definitely should, and I could. We'll see about that! No new craft supplies or thrift store pickups in September! EEEEK!
There's still time to sign up to be a "Stashbusting" blog...You can check out all of the details and see the other 34 bloggers who are participating here.
And Robin knows we are mere mortals so she's made provisions for an "oops". Not that I'm planning on needing this button or anything.