Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Medium Time Commitment Coffee Filter Wreath

Medium Time Coffee Filter Wreath

I’ve always wanted a coffee filter wreath. And I’ve always wanted one that’s fluffy and dense. But I haven’t always wanted to spend what seemed like ton of time to get that really dense look. So here’s my take on spending a medium amount of time on one ( 1hr give or take) plus I re-purposed a styrofoam wreath I already had on hand. For this project you will need:
  • Recycled or new wreath form
  • Basket Coffee Filters
  • Glue Gun
  • Cheesy Lifetime Movie on in the background ( optional)
I started with this monster:

Repurposed Styrofoam Wreath

Skeleton of an early crafty experiment. We’ll call this wreathus formicus.  Decomposed down almost to the bones.

I was originally going to fold coffee filters in quarters and then lay them flat all around the wreath. But I like fluffy and when I was folding, started twisting the bottoms of my quarter folded filters thinking after I got them glued on I could fluff them out a bit. It was at this point I started thinking about doing more video tutorials because I need more hands!
Coffee Filter Folds

Fold a coffee filter in half, then in half again to quarter and then grab and twist the bottom until it looks like a badminton thingy. Now you’re going to ask me “how many badminton thingies” did you make? To which I answer: “A bunch” . Serious answer is I started with an open package of coffee filters about 3/4 full, finished that up and used another maybe 1/8th to 1/4th of another pack so I’m going to say a package should do you.

Here’s where I wish I had the video because I got busy twisting, gluing, pulling glue strings off myself that I didn’t want to get on my camera so didn’t take pictures along the way bad blogger! I glued the twisted part down, then guaged where the next one should go, glued the next one down and so on. I starte in the middle of the wreath went all the way around then did a row on the inside and outside of the first row. After that, I just fluffed.

Coffee Filter Wreath

Kind of reminds me of daffodils. This is to try to illustrate what I mean by fluffed vs unfluffed:

Unfluffed Coffee Filter Wreath

Unfluffed, you can see the natural creases of the coffee filters. Fluffed, is just softer.

Coffee Filter Wreath Fluffed

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  1. This is such a pretty piece.. Love it :)

  2. Looks great and I laughed at the "Cheesy Lifetime Movie" element of making this wreath. I can see that would actually help.

  3. It's quite gorgeous, and I love your 1 hour timeframe - I have been just like you, not wanting to spend hours. Excellent fluffage!

  4. I've been looking at all the coffee filter wreaths out there and thinking about giving it a go. Yours turned out beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!

  5. This is really pretty, Carol! I'm thinking that I might need to dye some coffee filters pink and make a Valentine's Day wreath :)

  6. "Skeleton of an early crafty experiment. We’ll call this wreathus formicus. Decomposed down almost to the bones."

    The above had me literally laughing hard out loud! The wreath is beautiful, and looks like soft fabric!

  7. I've been thinking of doing a 'paper wreath' and I think this is the one I'll try! Thank you!

    PS. Love the name of your blog because ITS TRUE!!

  8. Oh, that is so pretty! I am a lover of anything thrifty and crafty. I would love for you to come link this up at my new blog hop "Inspiration in Progress", this is quite inspirational. I hope to make one of these one day. http://onecreativeprocrastinatinggal.blogspot.com/

  9. Thank you for the tutorial. You make it sound easy, but I have made these and they are difficult to get to look as great as yours.

  10. I love your wreath...I'm so happy you decided to link it up over at Looksi! I am an ambassador for looks and we hope you will visit looksi often! ~ Julie

  11. LOL - I love the wreathus formicus and how you were able to transform it into that beautiful wreath!! Great job!

  12. I only started making coffee filter wreaths about one month ago! I am a little late to the game. I don;t glue...I poke them in with a screwdriver. Yours is gorgeous!


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