Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stashbusting September Project #8: Owl Scare You

This was a relatively quick project...the longest thing was waiting for the Mod Podge to dry and I probably never wait as long as I'm supposed to. The minute it's touchable, I'm back messing with it. This started out as something else which I still plan to do so I'm not saying what. But then Karen, the wonderfully sparkly and generous Graphics Fairy ( I think she really does have wings) put this up, and that was that!

I'd already started with this:
Canvas Art Board, Scrapbook Paper
and Mod Podged the paper to the canvas board. It was too "clean" so I stippled some black stamping ink around the edges and then wiped some cream acrylic paint on and off.

Still needed something so I plopped on some gold paint ( I just use my wadded up paper towel from having rinsed my Mod Podge brush).  And it still needed something else, so I went to the Bin o Scraps and added a paper scrap. Then I imported / resized the pic from The Graphics Fairy and printed on to Avery clear label paper. On a BSB ( Before Stash Busting) trip to Michaels ( I'll be back...I promise...wait for me!) I'd picked up a vinyl embellishment on clearance and it screamed at me "pick me..pick me" so I did. I trimmed around the graphic and I was ready to put it all together:

Ready to put it all together but never finished without some bling! So Mr. Owl needed some gold rhinetones for his eyes, and his perch needed some clear ones ( they just don't show up well in the pic) and I had some Magenta Peel offs I added to the corners. Oh and a "BOO" leftover from another project. Thank you Graphics Fairy! 
Linking Up At:


  1. It's fabulous...I saw that graphic too-sweet! "Wait for me!" LOL!! Hang in there girl, we're almost there!!

  2. I adore owls! I have them all over my house, and I think I need to add another...kind of like this one. :)

    So GREAT!

  3. OMG, that is truly lovely. What a cool and unexpected color combination.

  4. Very cool, and fellow clearance aisle shopper, great use of stash. lol! Love the owl, and just a thought, shouldn't it say BOO WHO? hahahahaha

  5. Ooh I love it!! That owl is perfect and I love the rhinestones for his eyes!!
    Questions - you put your owl on clear label paper - is that because you can't mod podge something you've printed out on regular paper? I'm mod podge ignorant. It's shameful, I know.

  6. To answer Beverly's question, the reason I have fallen in love with printing things on clear label paper is because I like the transparent effect and layering opportunity, but also since I have an inkjet printer, I worry about smudging if I go over the top of the image with the Mod Podge. Hope that makes sense!

  7. How unique!
    You've got talent, girl!

  8. So fab. I love that owl!

  9. So fab. I love that owl!

  10. Love this. It is so fun to see it step by step. I love the Wicked Witch too and when you act in a play it is always the most fun to be the villain.

    I collected all of the Disney Villain dolls. They have the most color too.

  11. Just adore this, thank you for showing the stages. x

  12. This is absolutely fabulous. I love it. Now why is it my collages look like stuff put together and yours looks like a painting?!

  13. This is so cute!I would even have it up as wall art year round. Thanks for sharing!

  14. I like owls and this turned out sweet.

  15. BOO-tiful! How ironic that I just got home from a "stroll" through Michael's...hee-hee, and bought quite a few owl items to send to my dd WHO'S sorority mascot is....you guessed it, the ol' wise one! She will get a nice little surprise in the mail next week. Actually, it probably will not be a surprise if she follows your blog also! (Shhh! - don't say a word)

  16. Oh this is adorable!!! I love it! I saw a cute challenge called Keep it Simple and this week, the challenge is something with "swirls." It would be so perfect for it!!!

  17. Congratulations for being Featured on Brag Monday!
    Your Owl is Wonderful! I Love your Work!
    Have a Wonderful Week!

  18. He looks fabulous!!! I love that you used the darker version with the black eyes and then added the rhinestones, such a clever idea!! I'm glad you liked your feature, I usually try to leave a comment the night before to forewarn people, but I didn't get to it until this morning!
    Thanks so much for linking another one up to Brag Monday.

  19. I LOVE owls! I love this piece!


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