Monday, September 13, 2010

Stashbusting September Project #7: Witch Wand

I love the Wizard of Oz, but true confession time...I always had a soft spot for the Wicked Witch even before I read "Wicked". Same with Disney villains...I think it's the colors because the villains always have the colors that appeal to me like black, purple, lime green and did I mention black? BUT...I always liked Glenda's wand. So when you make stuff, you make what you want! And when you're stashbusting, you work with what you have.

Exhibit A:
Bin O Scraps
Fished out some black with gold star pieces:
along with a leftover paper mache star ornament and a dowel. Traced the star on the backside of the starry paper, cut out two. Painted the edges of the star gold (along with the dowel).  Then went back to the Bin O Scraps and found some Halloweeny papers which along with the star cut outs, I Mod Podged onto the paper mache ornament.

From the remaining Halloweeny scraps, made a paper flower for the center, added an orange button. Not enough. Added a black button. Not enough. Added gold rhinestones. OK.  The "wand" part didn't go as planned so I ended up skewering the star...literally...a bamboo skewer. From the kitchen. It went easily into the star but it wasn't strong enough to be a good wand so I hot glued it to the dowel and then wrapped the piggy backed skewer dowel portion with ribbon.

Embellished with some more ribbon and some starry wire garland I picked up last year on sale at Paper Source. Things like this are the reason I'm stashbusting. No comment Mr. Chocolate! Tied a length of tulle where the ribbon wrapping ended. Another button. Another rhinestone.

I'm not sure I "love, love" it, but it'll do.   OK, you all have convinced me that I do love it! Thanks :)

Linking Up At:
All Thingz Related


  1. I love it! You were cracking me up when you kept adding more and more to it, you did a great job. I love the colors you used too (I heart black!)...

  2. Oh my goodness! This is adorable! I LOVE it! GREAT JOB! :)

  3. No, no, I totally think I LOVE love it! Mr. Chocolate reads this? Brave man.

  4. You may not love, love it, but I do!! Its the perfect witchy wand!! Great job, and I'm loving all of your destashing projects. :)

  5. I need to make one for my little bug... it's awesome and much prettier than something storebought!!


  6. Any good witch would hop off her broom for that one :D

    I didn't buy any more but I received 2 whimsy jars in the mail filled to the brim with S.T.U.F.F.

    Does that count????


  7. Awesome! You did put it next to the witch boots, right???? lol!

  8. Terrific, just right for the wicked witch, x

  9. The wand looks great. But your first photo only highlights to me that I need to stash bust until 2011 if I really want to see a diminishment in my stash. Do you feel that way?

  10. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing.

  11. It's a terrific wand! Thanks a bunch for joining us this week!

  12. I saw this on One Pretty Thing. I love it! You have a great blog! Thanks for sharing.

  13. this is great!! thanks so much for sharing!

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