Monday, May 10, 2010

Dream A Little Dream

I've had this clear glass plate ( I forgot to take before pictures early in the process) for a while, thanks to my sis-in-law who would pick these up at Goodwill for me. Sometimes you have stuff and it takes a bit to decide what to do with it. I decided to combine paint, vinyl, silver leaf and paper and here's the end result:

  • First, tore a circle of scrapbook paper and then glued it to the underside of the plate
  • Then I applied leafing glue randomly around the plate, let dry and applied the silver leaf . I wanted this to be splotchy so that the silver leaf would peek through the paint layer but you could leaf the whole area so it's solid. Edged the underside of the rim with black acrylic paint

  • Painted over that with cream acrylic paint 

  • and over that with black acrylic paint and a coat of clear. 
  • When dry, flipped the plate over and applied a vinyl "Dream" sticker I found on sale at Michaels. 
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  1. Great job, I love it! very creative and divine finish.


    Art by Karena

  2. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comment!

  3. It is dreamy and expensive looking. Great project. I have never tried leafing...can you believe it?

  4. Looks great!! Thanks for linking up!!

  5. Great project - these would be such a great gift idea! Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired last week.



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