Friday, May 14, 2010

The Days Of Twine and Coffee

Twine is such a versatile thing to work with, especially when you find a big roll of it in the $1 section at Tar-jay ( my name for Target with a faux French accent) . Mr. Chocolate thinks I'm a little wreath crazy ( emphasis on the last part) but I was playing around with coffee filter flowers and then I got the idea to put them on a wreath and the twine went perfectly with it so this is the result:

  • Wreath form from $1 Tree
  • Ball of twine from Tar-jay
  • Natural coffee filters from wherever they're pretty inexpensive 
  • Layered book page flowers left over from my topiary project
  • Buttons
Wrapping the wreath form in twine took the longest but that's what Lifetime Movie Network movies and a glue gun are for. To make the coffee filter flowers, I just crumbled them up then layered about 8 for each flower, layered the book page flowers and sewed through the button holes to secure the whole thing and glued them to the wreath. The flowers are a little big and if I make another one, I'd probably use a bigger wreath form.

It's on my office door ( I work from home and my office is also my craft room) so I can see it from my desk while I'm crunching spreadsheets :)  I think maybe I'll add a bow?

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Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Your paper flower wreath is relly cute and I would add a bow.

  2. That is dang cool! Love the coffee filter flowers with the twine. Great textures!

  3. Thanks Michelle! Appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

  4. This turned out so cute!!!
    I call it Tar-jay (with French accent) too.
    -Mama E

  5. These would make such a fun garland as well!!! Neat neat neat.

  6. Your wreath turned ot super cute! Love the natural-ness of it! Would love to have you stop by the Sunday Showcase Party if you get a chance. Love the brown coffee filters! Hope you are having a great weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  7. Thanks for stopping by Stephanie Lynn, and for the invite! I linked up over at your place and tried to comment but didn't seem to take. That's been happening off and on.

  8. Thanks so much fot stopping by and joining the Sunday Showcase. I just adore your wreath. Love the filter flowers! Super cute! I greatly appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful week! ~Stephanie Lynn

  9. Such a cute wreath. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

    I hope you can come over to CSI and link up for our paint tutorial!



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