Thursday, August 20, 2020

BFF Open House

Welp. August is both flying by and standing still like the rest of 2020. Hope you've all had a wonderful and creative week. I've been working on some Halloween stuff, trying to get ahead of things this year since I have some more time on my hands. 

Let's take a look at some of the wonderful ideas shared at last week's party! 

Card making remains my first love and like Antonella from White House Crafts, I love finding and using 12x12 pads which usually contain a few pages of panels you can use as the focals of your cards. Mr. Chocolate won't believe him if I say I don't have this cute collection in my collection and need to remedy that! 

Eccentricities by JVG shared how to make a pretty and practical Diffuser Bracelet. These work w/ body heat to release scent and can be used w/ essential oils. 

Southern Sunflowers shared a wonderful makeover of a box sign thrifty find and is also sharing the printable she made and used!


Finally, Cindy's Online Recipe Box shared this adult version of a banana split via this Frozen Banana Split Cocktail. Oh my! 

Now let's see what everyone's been up to this week! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my party decor! It's a very nice surprise tonight!

  2. Making cards is something I'm always wanting to do, but never seem to have enough time.\ Thanks for hosting! I brought by some Caramelized Banana Bread. Hope you enjoy. :)

  3. Hello Carol, thank you so much for featuring my DIY diffuser bracelet. Also, thank you so much for hosting each week.

  4. No wonder why you receive countless of feedbacks.

  5. You are such a peach for creating this gathering space for all of us to connect and share inspiration. A tough job, I'm sure, but you do it well! The world needs more of this right now, and you're a saint for making it happen. xo, Kristi


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