Thursday, June 27, 2019

BFF Open House Link Party

Greetings everyone! It's been a slightly (barely) less chaotic week this week so thanks for understanding about no features last week. Hope everyone's had a good week. Let's see some ideas from last week's party! 

With Independence Day next week, here's an easy and cute wreath from Fresh Vintage by Lisa S you can still whip up and add a touch of festive decor. 

Love My Little Cottage shared this cute Beach Towel Pillow Cover. Perfect for Summer!

With a new puppy, we've been conscious about ingredients in her food and treats. These Dog Treats from Handmade Weekly sound like ones she will love! 

Finally, doesn't this cute Flamingo Printable from The Organized Dream just scream Summer?! Cute.

OK let's see what everyone's been up to this week! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!


  1. Hi Carol
    Thank you for hosting!
    I always look forward to parting with you.
    Thank you so much for featuring my July 4th wreath. I appreciate you so much. Have a wonderful week :) xo Lisa S

  2. Thank you so much for hosting the party.
    Happy Summer,

  3. Thanks for the feature! Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks for hosting! I brought by some Mango Corn Salsa. :)

  5. Thanks for featuring my dog treat recipe :)


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