Thursday, June 13, 2019

BFF Open House Link Party

Happy Friday Eve all! Hope everyone's had a great week. Been fighting off something so have not exactly been too creative, not to mention a new puppy who would gladly eat all my supplies if given the chance. Hope everyone who's celebrating Father's Day this weekend has a wonderful one.  

Let's take a look at some ideas shared at last week's party! 

Llamas are everywhere right now and I absolutely LOVE this pillow shared by Kippi At Home. We've had to hide most of the throw pillows from the pup so I'm pinning this idea for later!

How cute (and practical) is this Potted Succulent Coffee Scrub from Soap Deli News? These would make fun gifts! 

I bet any Dad would be thrilled to have this Strawberry Chocolate Cheesecake shared by Lou Lou Girls

Now, let's see what everyone's been up to this week!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting the party. I LOVE the features.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. Carol,Oh no I hope you feel better soon!

    What kind of puppy did you get????

    Thank you for hosting-
    xo Lisa S

  3. Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for hosting! I brought some DIY Tortilla Chips.

  4. thanks for making my day by featuring my chocolate strawberry cheesecake!

  5. من المهم جداً معالجة التسرب المائي لأنّه يتسبب في ضعف وتَفتت الباطون ممّا يؤدي إلى انهياره، وتآكل الحديد أو أي هيكلٍ معدني، ويسبب أيضاً انفصال الجدران عن البناء، وتشويه المنظر العام بظهور البقع الصفراء على السطح الخارجي، ونمو البكتيريا والطحالب، وتلف البلاط بانفصاله عن الأرضيات، وتلف وتشويه الدّهان والطّلاء الدّاخلي للجدار، وبعد التّعرف على سلبيات التّسرب المائي سنجد أن أكثر الأماكن التي تعاني من هذه المشكلة هي الحمامات.

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