Thursday, March 28, 2019

BFF Open House Link Party

Happy Friday Eve all. Ready to say goodbye to March already? Can't believe it. What I really can't believe is that it was a year ago this week that we pulled up stakes from Washington and moved to Arizona. Talk about time flying!

Let's see some ideas from last week's party!

You might guess this gorgeousness is someone's craft room or space decorated for a party. You would be wrong. The luckiest chickens in the world live in this CHICKEN COOP that is prettier than my office! If I ever have a chicken coop ( and since I have coyotes that walk through my neighborhood it's not likely I'd want it to look like this from The Inspired Prairie !

I am in love with the results of this table makeover in blue and copper chalk paint from Abbotts At Home !

I love this beautiful necklace from Bijou Bead Boutique but I love the story behind it even more so you'll have to go check it out. 

Finally, doesn't this cake just scream Spring ?! So pretty. From Howling At The Moon

Now, let's see what everyone's been up to this week! 



  1. Thank you for featuring my work. I’m quite honored!

  2. Thanks for hosting the party. Have a great weekend.

  3. Thank you very much for featuring my Spring Cake!! Have a great weekend!



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