Thursday, November 3, 2016

BFF Open House Link Party

Happy November everyone! Hope you had a fun and uneventful Halloween. Now that it's November time will really fly by for the rest of the year. Let's take a look at some of the great ideas shared at last week's party. 

Halloween may be over but you can still pin this idea for next year. Love this chalkboard  sign from Much More Creative

I have morphed into this person who can rarely wear a coat anymore, even in the Pacific Northwest! I get too hot inside but still need something for outside. So wraps and ponchos are perfect and Woods of Bell Trees has a great project to convert a shawl into a poncho!

Printables are such a fun and easy way to add some seasonal decor and the ladies at Lolly Jane have a really cute one they're sharing. 

We are in prime baking season ( OK when isn't it time to bake?) so these Nutella Chip Cookie Sandwiches are a must add to Fall baking. From Sweet Meets Bake Shop

OK on to this week's party! 



  1. Oh girl, I know what you mean, I get too darned hot most of the time for a coat! Thank you for the party and for the feature!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting! So many fantastic ideas here! -Journa, from the team at

  3. Is there a club for hot women? I would have to join it, too. Do have a brilliant weekend, my friend!

  4. Thank you for hosting the party. Have a great weekend!

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