Thursday, November 24, 2016

BFF Open House Link Party: Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving ! Our annual feast day of eat ti'l you can't move then shop til you drop tomorrow. We skip "Black Friday" but those of you who are going out be safe and have fun. Since I'll be hosting the rest of the day, throwing the party open early and wishing everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Thankful that you make my little party a part of your weekly routine!

Here are some features from last week's party !

How perfect and timely is this from Lolly Jane?! If you're like me, the leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving. 

Printables are such a great and simple way to change up your decor. My Busy Bee Hives has a great collection free for you to download!

Time to start finishing up handmade gifts and Mich in LA has a great way to use an eclectic bead mix. Love these handmade earrings and Mich has a tutorial you can follow!

This time of year we all use a lot of ribbon but don't throw those ribbon spools away. Raven Would has a great idea to turn them into ornaments! 

OK on to this week's party! 



  1. Thank you for featuring my ribbon spool ornament! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  2. Loved ribbon spool ornament, so cute, easy to make and recycling, what could be better? Loved your recipes for using leftovers from Thanksgiving, great ideas. We don't have turkey as went to daughter/family for dinner today. We had gotten a ham and next day daughter called to invite us for Thanksgiving. Think she passed a bag with some turkey in it to hubs before we left.

    Hope your day was fantastic

  3. Happy hosting, Carol! I am with you re Black Friday. Thanks for putting me into the features, you are so cool.

  4. Thank you for featuring my Christmas Printables! Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for hosting and for featuring our Thanksgiving leftover recipes. It's a great opportunity to share our ideas here! -Journa from

  6. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Thank you for hosting the party.


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