Thursday, February 19, 2015

BFF Open House Link Party #197

The Answer Is Chocolate

Happy Friday eve all! Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's weekend. Let's jump right into some highlights from last week's party! 

Can you ever have too many serving trays? I don't think so and Chas from A Woman's Haven has a wonderful DIY . Clean and easy and love the chevron stripes! 

Waste baskets are necessary but aren't always pretty. Make over a plain one using fabric and burlap ribbon like Mary at Sweetwater Style did. 

Doreen from Altered Artworks updated a sign she already had with colors perfect for Spring. 

With Girl Scout cookie season upon us, Miranda from Lemons and Laughs has a a recipe to turn Samoas into truffles. Oh my! 

Now onto this week's party! 



  1. Thanks for hosting another fun party!

  2. Thanks for sharing my altered LOVE sign! Happy TGIF!

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