Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easiest Jewelry Project Ever: Industrial Chic Watch Gear Ring

Watch Part Ring

OK this was one of those projects that was so easy to make I’m embarrassed. On the other hand, it wasn’t something I thought of until I saw similar pieces in a museum gift shop. So total knock off, but easy knock off and at a fraction of the price!

I have this bag o watch parts in my stash . I picked up the parts and an equal amount of watch part containers at a street fair and have used pieces in several projects.

Watch Parts

For this project you need the “guts” or gear of a watch, a ring form, and glue.

Liquid Fusion

I like this Liquid Fusion clear urethane glue because it has no odor and is very strong. The ring form by Plaid, I picked up at Jo Ann’s on sale.

Here are the really complicated instructions. Glue watch part to ring form. OK I left out one step. Pull off the winder thingy first.

Watch Part Ring

I’m sure you can find spare watch parts on Etsy or flea markets.

Sharing At: 


  1. Super cool looking! I'm sharing it on facebook!

  2. Hi Carol,

    I'm one of the editors at http://www.allfreechristmascrafts.com/ and I just wanted to reach out to you, as I've noticed that one of our editors is interested in featuring your projects on our site. I think they're great projects that our readers will just love to make. This will easily bring traffic to your site and allow others to see what's new on your site.

    We would love to add more of your projects to our site, so feel free to let us know as you add or create projects. We are always looking for Christmas projects so if you have any of these please feel free to send them my way or let us know if you prefer we not link to you. We also feature projects from our website on our blogs, eBooks and e-mail newsletters.

    Your projects are great and we know our readers will enjoy them. With that said, can we have permission to link to any project on your site as well as use the image? We will credit you, of course.


    Kathryn (if you're interested, you can contact me at kwright@primecp.com)

  3. Oh my goodness Carol...LOVE THAT RING! So my style!

    Coveting your bag of watch parts too.

    Any chance you'll be selling the ring?


  4. Holy Moley lady....that is the bomb! Tick tock..time is running out...I need watch parts!

  5. That looks awesome! :)


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