Monday, September 24, 2012

BFF Open House Link Party #71 Wrap Up and Features

Fall is definitely in the air and was on full display at last week’s party. So many fun and gorgeous Fall and Halloween ideas.  Here are just a few!

Love this  gorgeous decoupaged napkin pumpkin from Artsy Va Va.

Take a look at this faux bay leaf wreath from Carolyn at homework. I had to look three times because it looks so real!

This reminds me of the wreaths I see each year about this time in the WIlliams Sonoma catalogs.

Speaking of catalogs, this is a great knock off of something seen in Pottery Barn catalogs. You’ll never guess the humble beginnings of these spooky aspen branches from Or So She Says:

I keep chickening out on printing on fabric. Don’t ask me why. I’ve definitely been inspired to try looking at these gorgeous linen signs from City Farmhouse.

As much as I love neutrals, this colorful re-purposed garden rake from Heatherly Loves  caught my eye. It is gorgeous!

Finally, this week’s chocolate temptation are Oreo Mud Bars  from  Twirl and Taste and don’t they look delish?

Thanks again to everyone who linked up and hope to see you all again on Friday. Make it a creative week!


  1. Thanks for the feature!!

  2. Thank you so much Carol! It is easy & fun:). Thank you for hosting an awesome party! Have a great week, Jen

  3. This reminds me to go find the pumpkins I did last year with tissue paper. Now where did I put them.

    Great ideas. The chocolate looks amazingly yummy.

  4. I'm loving those knock-off PB branches!



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