Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seussims...Dr. Seuss Printables

With the birthday of  Dr. Seuss (March 2nd)  and the release of the movie “The Lorax” based on his book of the same name coming up, I thought it would be fun to do some Seuss inspired printables.

These are based on a couple of quotes from the late Dr. Seuss aka Theodore Geisel.

Think and Wonder-001

I used My Memories Suite digital scrapbooking software and a free font I downloaded, appropriately called “Grinched”.

I love how timeless the stories of Dr. Seuss are, and the great memories we have of reading so many of the books with our son when he was little. Just the other day he tweeted that one of his college Professors started off class with a quote from Dr. Seuss. 

 I used a different background paper and the same font for this one: 


Thanks Dr. Seuss for creating so many memorable characters and a love of reading in so many children and adults!
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”—Dr. Seuss


  1. These are so cool! Love what you can do with Memories Suites! Thanks for sharing the printables!!

    Karen@Pocket Full of Pink

  2. Thanks for the printables. My friend loves Dr. Suess, so I sent them to her. Thanks! :)

  3. So fun & colorful! These would look great in the playroom!

  4. Wise words from one of my favorite authors (shared by one of my favorite bloggers!)

    Sharing your post on my Facebook page today.



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