Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Yes Virginia. This Is A Christmas Card!

I could tell from the envelope that there would be a treasure inside. My life longiest BFF ( since 7th grade!) is a true artist. She’s one of those naturally talented people who for as long as I can remember could draw ANYTHING freehand without instruction.

She went on to expand her creative talents into sewing just about anything including her own wedding gown, home décor, art dolls,  gorgeous gifts…you name it. She’s done some very creative Christmas cards over the years but this is my absolute favorite:
It is a 3-D Gingerbread House! It folds flat to mail but with a easy twist, pops right into shape. I just had to share it. And this is so her…look at all of the details done by hand:
Twisted chenille stem candy canes. Ribbon candy trim and puff paint trees and snow!
Look at the sides and the roof!

And for privacy, I’m not sharing the inside but if you undo the bow, the doors open and there’s a pic of her gingerbread family complete with Santa hats!

How could I not share this? She’s not a blogger but since I am, what’s the point of having a blog if you can’t show off your BFFs?
Love you, you.


  1. Oh wow! That is outstanding! What a lovely thing to receive in the mail!

  2. You are so lucky to have a BFF let alone one from 7th grade! I'm jealous! And yes, she's really talented (must have gotten it from you lol). You, my friend, haven't entered my holiday giveaway. You have until midnight, Friday (16th) to enter! Good luck!

  3. This is so unique! And such a genius idea. Your friend is super talented!

  4. Oh wow such a wonderful creation. Thank you for sharing, x

  5. Wowza's! That is awesome!

  6. I love that -- so cute. What a great friend you have. Enjoy....

  7. Wow! This is completely amazing! What a wonderful project - and such talent!


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