Monday, December 12, 2011

BFF Open House Link Party #31 Wrap Up and Features

Once again, a huge thanks to everyone who linked up at Friday’s BFF Open House. I hope you all enjoyed meeting Lesley from Freaking Craft.

I continue to be inspired by the incredible creativity that’s shared each week. Here are just a few highlights:

Jamie, from the creative imperative shared this gorgeous ruffled Christmas tree skirt.
It’s so pretty, you could just skip decorating the tree!

It would look fantastic in a room with this Nagoya Wreath, shared by Michele from The Scrap Shoppe:
The wreath is named for the stencil she used on the fabric she painted and then in a genius move, she mounted this on a charger.

Since I love ordinary materials transformed into things of beauty, I was stunned to learn that this trendy tree started out as moving boxes:
Go visit Tracy at Screaming Sardine to see how she did this.

The minute Mr. Chocolate sees this, I’m going to hear about it until I make one. Jenn from Rook No.17 shared an AMAZING Restoration Hardware knockoff that has to be seen to be believed:
The original is a wallet busting $995. Jenn estimates her cost at $25. I know which price I like!

And finally, you know I have to include a chocolate feature right? And what goes better with chocolate than peanut butter? And what’s better than FUDGE?! Trick question because the answer is nothing!

When you’re done drooling, go visit Carlee and Alyssa over at LadyBirdLN to get the recipe!

If you were featured, please fee free to grab a button (which for some reason does not want to be centered)

Have a creative week and hope to see you all again on Friday!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature!! I really appreciate it, and you've totally made my week. :)

    Off to check out the other features.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  2. Thank you for featuring my wreath, Carol!! ♥

  3. Sa-WEET! Thank you so much for the feature, I also just love that wreath, and rook no. 17 is ALWAYS amazing, who would have thought, she did that with ELMERS! WOW!


  4. Carol, you're the best! Thank you so much for featuring my clock!

    Warmest wishes,

  5. I want to wear that tree skirt on Christmas! So pretty!


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