Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Superhero First Aid Kit

I got this idea when I was at Old Navy the other day and saw a “Superman” lunch box . My son may be going off to college but he is a lifelong superhero fanatic and comic book collector. So even though he won’t be taking his lunch, I couldn’t resist this lunchbox:


(I also couldn’t resist playing with BigHugeLabs again!) Mom that I am, I couldn’t help but think about practical things too. Like the stuff that we Moms keep on hand….cold medicine, bandaids, anti-bacterial ointment etc. You know…the stuff that’s just magically “there”?


Vitamins, anti-bacterial wipes, nail clipper, Ibuprofen….



Of course I had to go with the Spiderman bandaids! I was hoping he wouldn’t think I was being a smother mother and he didn’t. He really liked and appreciated it. I am not however, allowed to decorate the dorm room Smile


  1. This is actually a very smart idea and would make a good gift to any new college student. Thanks for the great idea!

  2. Such a terrific idea and so useful, but can see why he doesn't want you to decorate his room.....lol xx

  3. SO cute!! And perfect for any boy leaving the nest. They get so accustomed to having what they need on hand. Not so in the dorm! Too bad you don't get to decorate it by the way... ;)

  4. What a super-mom - it is good that he is independent enough not to want you to decorate his dorm room!!

  5. How cool is that. What a great idea. Love the lunchbox.

  6. I'd comment on this incredible post, but I'm laughing too hard!

  7. What a cool idea! I kinda wish my mom had thought of this, although I was able to get everything all on my own when I needed it. Still, everything that moms always seem to have in a neat-looking lunch box? I probably would have loved it :)

  8. I think this is a fantastically smart idea! I love having it in a lunch box. I'm sure he would never think to make sure those things were on hand- and now you don't have to worry {so much} about him. :)

  9. Aw that is awesome Carol! I'm sure he's getting a real kick out of the lunchbox alone, and all the necessities inside make it just that much more special!

  10. I love it! You know you want them to have this stuff...what a meaningful and cute way to package it. Awww...

  11. This is such a great idea...boys and their toys...and it's actually practical!

  12. This is so sweet, Carol! And good idea throwing together some of the medical necessities for college. I don't think I ever had any of this stuff around in college, and I should have!

  13. I bet he loved this! So clever to pack away his first aid kit in his favorite lunchbox. He is lucky to have a Mom like you. ~Diane

  14. How cool is that. You shared such a great and peerless idea. I sure every viewers of your this post will give a good review about this lunchbox.
    all purpose first aid kit


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