Thursday, August 11, 2011

BFF Link Party #15

Happy Friday everyone. I'm tied up the next couple of weeks getting my young man off to college but wanted to continue the wonderful momentum of the weekly link party. The Blog Feature portion will resume in September. So for now, come on in, grab a chocolate chip cookie, link up whatever you've made that you want to share and then pop on over to a neighbor's for a visit!


  1. I'm playing this week!

    Good luck getting your son off to college...I know you are going to miss him!


  2. I can't even! Thanks for hosting...and I know... time is-a-flying by! Whew...

  3. wow, he just graduated, like, a minute ago! i know your support will get him there all organized and ready. Thanks for the par-tay, Carol m'dear!

  4. this is my first time i add my link's... I hope you'll enjoy my blog...
    and don't worry... college is one of the best things that ever hapened to my... your son will be fine :)


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