Thursday, June 16, 2011

BFF Link Party#7 and BFF: Frou-fru Gal!

Things have calmed down a bit now and I’m excited to get back to the “BFF” part of the BFF link party…Blog Feature Friday,  this week featuring Frou-fruGal. Suesan is the creative force behind this blog and she is (and you have to make this three distinct syllables) A-MA-ZING! She’s funny, real, and always provides a detailed breakdown of her projects including the always frugal cost of the always fabulous results! I can’t even imagine undertaking this project and trust me when I tell you you will look twice or thrice if you see the before pic and you STILL won't believe she transformed this.
Doesn’t that look like it came straight from Ballard Designs, West Elm, some very high end store? Oh yeah…she HAND PAINTED THE MAP!

I love these decorative balls Suesan made inspired by some she saw at Pier 1:
Knock Off Pier 1 Letter Balls
Her cost: $3.98 for all of them vs $2 each at Pier 1. Hello.

 And I love the name of this post: “It’s My World…I’ll Do What I Want”

You’ll have to go visit Suesan to see the before but I’m in love with the after. Now time to party. You know the deal…if you made it link it. Paper, home dec, roadside rescue, recipes, jewelry, upcycle, recycle, link it! Just no Etsy shops or advertising please. Party on!


  1. Hey darlin' girl! Thanks so much for hosting, Carol! That setee is out of this world...I'm blown away...
    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  2. I'm in!! Thanks for hosting!!

  3. That couch is AMAZING! Thanks for hosting! ;)

  4. That couch is super cool...and she hand painted it??? No way! I can't wait to check out some more:-)

  5. That couch is crazy cool!!!! I have nothing fun to link up today...but I enjoy looking at what everyone else has ; )


  6. Thanks for hosting Carol!! I hope you have a fabulous Friday!! :)

  7. Fabulous work on the settee. Annette x

  8. Carol,
    Thank you so much for the feature! It always thrills me when others enjoy my projects as much as I do. The map settee has set off a bit of a map obsession with me and I'm trying to restrain myself from putting a map on everything I see.

    Thanks for the great party!

  9. No way, she hand painted the settee? I couldn't do that - I don't think I could overcome my fear!! I've linked again.. now off to share some comment love... hugs, antonella :-)

  10. You've got to be kidding!! She hand painted that!!


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