Monday, May 9, 2011

Ribbon Bookmarks

Remember I found all kinds of wonderful ribbon on my recent outing to the LA Fashion District? I bought them without knowing exactly what I’d use them for but since when does that stop us creative types? NEVER!
Enter “Country Living” with this idea: Charming Bookmarks

Velvet ribbon. I haz.  Charms…I haz them too but I also have a bunch o beads. Zing. Idea!
You need ribbon ( OK that’s obvious but…)
Ribbon Bookmark 1
I cut mine about 10in. You will also need some of these which I found at Michaels:

Ribbon Clamps and a pair of flat nose pliers:
Ribbon,clamp, pliers
You slide the ribbon clamp onto the end of the ribbon and then clamp it on with your pliers. These ribbon clamps have teeth that sink into your ribbon.
Ribbon Clamp
Once the clamps were on, I went to my bead stash and just started playing with different beads and findings. Some on beading wire, others on head pins. Attach to your clamp ends with jump rings.
Beaded Ribbom Bookmarks
Ribbon Bookmarks
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  1. love these bookmarks! I'm going to "favorite" this for Christmas time, a set of these would be the perfect gift!

  2. Jewelry for books! Genius!

  3. I saw this on CL too & rushed out to make some :D They made great little mothers day gifts.
    Your turned out super cute !

  4. These are too fun! Makes me want to find my copy of Jane Eyre and put a fancy bookmark in it. :)

  5. I love your spin on this project...really wonderful!

  6. these are SO cute! love it!

  7. Oh Carol,
    This is totally beyond amazing! I love them!!!

  8. Totally perfect gifts. Annette x

  9. Wow! Great idea and a great way to use your ribbon. I LOVE pretty ribbon but don't know how to use it 1/2 the time. perfect idea!

  10. So pretty! I've done ribbons with simple knots and beads, but not this elegant ribbon-end version - love it!

  11. I love these. You give me the best ideas. Can't wait to try making these. Going to "pin" it too so I don't forget.

  12. Great idea. What a fun project.

  13. I found you through Cindy Adkin's Whimsical Musings magazine blog. I loved your profil pic:))
    What a great idea. These bookmarks are amazing!

    Have a lovely week!
    Gaby xo

  14. Very cute, Carol! Love the ribbon.

  15. i need to get me some of those ribbon clamps. they are so cool. they really give these bookmarks a professional look. very pretty indeed!

  16. Oh, those are wonderful, how every creative! You are a crafter after my own heart, using things you have to make something totally cool! :)

  17. Those are great! My daughter is my little bookworm and would love a few of these!

  18. I love ribbon bookmarks and make a lot of them with beaded fringes - but I really like this one - I see more bookmarks in the future.

  19. This is just what I have been looking for. I love this simple but pretty technique. Christine from above called it jewelry for books -- that is perfectly poetic.

  20. Love, love, love!! Me need ribbon clamps ASAP!

    I should be embarrassed to admit that despite the fact that I've always been an avid reader, my bookmarks usually consist of whatever is lying around on my bedside table -- a clean tissue, a tag taken from a new clothing purchase, an earring...

    I should really, really make some of these!

  21. Love how elegant your bookmarks look - would love to make some ... do you put the ribbon clamps and charms on both ends of the ribbon?

  22. AnonymousJuly 11, 2013

    Dumb Question: did you use the clamps on both ends of the ribbon, and if not, how did you finish the top end so it doesn't fray?

    Thanks for posting, they're gorgeous!! Hoping to use this idea as baby shower gift!

  23. Hi Dani, hope you see this. I use the ribbon clamps at both ends :) Glad you like these!


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