Thursday, April 21, 2011

Interest in Pinterest?

When I made my Social Networking Subway Art printables, I included “PIN” as one of the words. I received a few comments that people were unfamiliar with it ( my bad!). It relates to one of the coolest ( I think) sites on the internet…Pinterest! What the heck is it you ask? AMAZING, I answer.

OK really it’s an online bulletin board where you can “pin” (aka bookmark) all the great things you find while visiting your favorite blogs and websites! But I already use bookmarks you say. Yes, but this allows you to pin pictures much like you would to a memo board as well as create multiple boards. For example, I have an “Inspiring Ideas To Try” board:
Inspiring Ideas Board
And a "Recipes To Try" Board:
Recipes To Try Board
Along with others for Grad Party Ideas, Printables, etc. You can group your pins however you want and you can add a tool to your bookmarks bar so that when you’re on a blog or site with something you want to pin, you click on that tool : Pin It and you can pin from wherever you are.

Your pins will always capture the source location so you can go back to wherever you originally found the idea from your pin board. But wait…there’s more!

You can also follow your favorite bloggers pinboards! So when they find something super cool you can re-pin it to your own board and those who follow you can do the same. You don’t have to follow someone in order to re-pin a pin. But wait…there’s more more!

As soon as you’ve pinned something to a board, you can Tweet it or post it to Facebook with a single click! OK I’m letting my Geek flag fly a little here but I think it’s pretty cool.

I knew zippo about it before I started pinning so I’ve learned through trial and error. I’m sure there’s tons I don’t know! You do need an invite so the first 6 people who comment that they want invites ( leave your email if it’s not linked to your blog!) I’ll send invites to! It’s all free and I’m sharing it because I love playing with it…nothing more!


  1. I've been on Pin for a while now and really like it. I just don't use it as much as I should.

  2. PLEASE send me an invite! I've been dying to try this!


  3. I would love an invite! And, you won my tote bag give away!! I tried to e-mail you but it came back! :( so when you reply to this comment, leave me your address and I'll get your bag shipped off!

  4. please send me an invite..would like to give this a try. I do bookmark alot...thanks

  5. I love to Pin! I'm not pinning enough though. Must pin...must pin NOW! ;)

  6. Please invite me! It sounds wonderful!
    thank you,

  7. I hope I'm not too late. I'd love an invite! My bookmarks are getting out of control. Thanks!

  8. I knew I should not have taken my morning walk BEFORE checking my blog updates. Looks like I am after the magic number 6. I will try to find someone who wants to invite me in to PIN. Thanks for the info. Sounds interesting and well worth the effort it will take to find a sponsor.

  9. I am addicted to pinterest!!! Love it so much!!!

  10. this is great. Someone sent me an invite and I havent started yet. I am afraid of the obsession! I don't need another reason to be on the computer! But I am sure i will do it sooner or later!

  11. If I'm not to late, I'd love an invitation.

  12. I'm in love with Pinterest! It is just a great way to organize thoughts, and get inspiration! If you need an invite let me know, I'm always happy to add new people. ^.^

  13. O well too late for the invite but thanks for sharing what it is all about. Sounds like an awesome way to keep track of all those great ideas we find. I have seen it on Papercraft magazine, I never knew who Pinterest was, knew she was awesome though. ~Diane

  14. I love, love, love Pinterest. I find so much inspiration every time I check out other people's boards and it's a wonderful way to keep track of all the great stuff I stumble across online. Such a positive community too!


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