Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Copycat Crafts....Too Cool!

I was visiting my friend Kathleen's blog Charm Bracelet Diva  who has been featured on a site I hadn't heard of but am totally in love with now! It's called Copycat Crafts

You know how we all love to do knock off projects from Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs, West Elm, etc.? This is totally the place to check out because that's exactly what they specialize in.

Here's Kathleen's Ballard Designs knockoff:
Gilded Chalkboard Inspired By Ballard Designs

Wearables, Home Design, Recipes, Holidays! So cool! For example, I've already seen people working on Easter projects and there's a link to a tutorial on how to make this Pottery Barn egg wreath. can submit knock off projects you've done and you could be featured too!! I'm so excited because I have been feeling a little slumpy this week so this is just what I need!


  1. Ohhh very cool .. I just submitted something :) Thanks for the tip

  2. Awesome, I'll have to go check her out a bit more! I've been MIA lately, but hope to be back on here a bit more : )



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