Friday, January 21, 2011

January Open House Link Party!

Welcome to the first monthly Open House link party of the New Year here at The Answer Is Chocolate! I’ve seen some awesome projects around the blogosphere since the New Year began…lots of fresh ideas in home dec and DIY and tons of super cute ideas for Valentine’s Day ( THE chocolate holiday of the year!)

Nothing’s changed since last year. Link up whatever you’ve been working on…jewelry, apparel, papercrafts, cards, DIY, organization ideas, you name it. Please link to your specific post and not your main blog and please, no Etsy stores or businesses. That’s it!
I’m also very excited and honored to be celebrating reaching 500 Followers! That’s just a mind boggling number to me. Since I’m still working on getting into the sponsor thing, I’ll celebrate with a giveaway of something from me to you. I had so many nice comments on my “Upcycled Heart” that brought back my mojo for 2011, that I’ve made one to give away, and I'm also including a Parisian themed altered candle that says "Merci" to show my thanks:
To be eligible, you have to be a follower and leave a comment, whether you link something up or not. I'll use to choose the winner on Monday !

OK time to link up!


  1. If I was creative and crafty AT ALL I would def link up... but.. I seriously lack in the creative and crafty dept!
    That's why I follow you! To get ideas and then my husband always thinks it's neat... and I say "Oh it's just a lil sumpfin I seen on the net" *giggle*

  2. 500 followers! That's awesome ... congrats! The giveaways are adorable. I've linked up - hope to see lots of great ideas ... will check back later!

  3. Hi Girly!

    Thanks for the invite! Congratulations on your 500 followers! You are amazing.


  4. Congrats on reaching 500!! That's awesome!

  5. Congrats on the 500 :)
    celebrate with 500 tootsie rolls
    or 500 chocolate covered cherries
    or 500 chocolate glazes donuts
    or 500 chocolate milkshakes
    or 500 chocolate Hershey kisses
    hey...i know that sounds like a lot
    but i'm here to help ya'
    that's what friends are for :)
    Happy Hugs :)

  6. Ohhhh sooooo pretty Ÿ Would love to win that. You are so sweet to have such a great giveaway Ü

  7. Congrats on hitting 500!!! You have and awesome blog and I love seeing what you come up with.

  8. Whoooo! A giveaway! Put my name in the hat, I love me those gifties! And thanks for the open house.

  9. Just found your blog and I am loving it!

  10. What a super sweet giveaway! I'd love to win! :)
    I linked up too - thanks for hosting!

  11. WOW!! 500 Followers is a big deal!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)

  12. woo hoo, lovely coffee and cream chocolate Heart.....mmmmmm
    Annette x

  13. Yay just linked up! Thanks for hosting : )


  14. Congrats on the 500 mark...that's huge! Thank you so much for hosting the linky party.

  15. 500! Wow--you are awesome! Congrats my friend!

  16. Congrats on the 500 followers!! I linked up!



  17. I linked up and I am your newest follower. Have a great weekend!

  18. Congratulations on your 500 Followers! Awesome accomplishment...hope to get there myself some day! Thank you so much for inviting me to your linky party! Yours, Jenn

  19. Thank you for inviting me to your link party!

  20. Hi Carol...How did I miss this link party? Oh my goodness, I'm going over to link something up right now...and I LOVE your's fabulous!!! Congratulations on 500 followers!!!!

  21. Well hello there, I just became your 509th follower!:) I am so happy to have found you I LOVE your giveaway please enter me to win! I am the girl that Cindy Adkins from Whisical Musings made the amazing mixed media treasure to Honor my Dad who passed away! I was so touched and blown away by her kind heart! She is an amazing women!!!:) I adore Cindy! Love your blog and am happy to now be a follower! Good luck to everyone on the giveaway, have a great weekend!! ♥

  22. Hi, Carol. So sorry that I missed the party. I saw the link on my blog roll at work. My computer at work always gives me an error for your blog and won't let me link up. Just put you on my calendar though for February. Hate to miss it! You know I follow. Take care!


Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I appreciate the extra time you took to leave one and read them all and reply if you have an email address.