Thursday, December 16, 2010

December Open House Link Party!

Time to get your Christmas party on! There's hot chocolate ( of course!) for everyone so have a cup and let's see the latest and greatest productions from all of you lovely chocoholics! Decor, gift ideas, cards, jewelry, treats and tasties ( the more chocolate the better but doesn't have to be) you name it. Just no advertising or etsy stores pretty please? And please link to your specific post, not your main blog.  OK let the fun begin!


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  1. New Follower here! I'm enjoying your blog!

  2. Hooray! Chocolate holiday partay! Shockingly, I have a holiday craft to link up, so much fun. Off to explore.

  3. I am so behind...most of my holiday decor is not even posted - I did linkup an easy one!

  4. YAY, Carol! I linked up my sweater snowman! Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  5. i remembered this time, thank goodness! thanks so much for hosting, and i hope you have a great weekend!


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