Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm A Guest Star On A Sitcom!

Welcome to those stopping in from:

The Two Savvy Sisters

Yes I'm awake, and no, I haven't been drinking or taking heavy doses of cold medicine. Imagine my surprise when Suzy, from Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom, asked ME for an interview and told me I was going to be a guest star in her recurring Wednesday feature ?!
Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom

If you've never visited Suzy, you need to fix that. Not just because she has my interview up but because she is hilarious and why she's not actually writing for a sitcom ( or is she???) I don't know. And, as her blog name suggests, she's Artsy Craftsy so there are some great projects to accompany the humor. Oh and Tom Selleck. Just sayin'. 

I'd like to thank the Academy ( I don't care if "we" haven't won an Emmy yet) and of course Suzy!


  1. Very insightful! And hilarious to boot. :) Loved it!

  2. I am on the way over to take a read!


  3. Tom Selleck! Got my attention :)

  4. Terrific interview with great humour. Have a great day you little

  5. how cool is that! thanks for sharing I didn't know anything about her!
    liz :o)

  6. Ooh, you're Famous! Loved the interview, I was laughing at the part about your husband just not getting why Mod Podge is important! Kind of EXACTLY like mine. Why don't they get it? So glad I have found you and so many others in this bloggy world who understand.

  7. Excellent interview!! I laughed a lot, and it was waaay better than Cats!! LOL. Nice job Lady :)!!

  8. Love this!! How fun! Sending sweet hugs your way!
    ~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

  9. Awesome! What an honor, off to check it out!

  10. Awesome!!
    New Follower from Buzz on By Thursdays.
    Hope you'll stop by my blog too:-)

  11. you are a shinning star that is a gift to us. I enjoyed reading your comment on my post re childhood and aging. It was so beautiful and from thr warmth of your heart. thanks for sharing. have a good evening. rose


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