Friday, September 10, 2010

Stashbusting September Project #5: Skully Plates and Stuff

We interrupt the start of this post to say: Woo Hoo...this is my 100th blog post! So it's confirmed, just like in real life, I "talk" A LOT.  In other news, I'm really gobsmacked that I'm also approaching 300 followers! This has been such a fun adventure, getting into the blogging world and I really am  shocked but above all honored that this many people have found something worth following on this blog. THANK YOU.  To whet your appetite for how I'll celebrate once I reach 300, let's just say there will be a giveaway!

We now return you to episode 5 of our regularly scheduled program "As The Stash Busts". Once more into the closet of mystery out of which this time came some clear glass plates that my sis-in-law long ago picked up for me @ Goodwill. When I printed off  the skull graphic from The Graphics Fairy that I used on my candelsticks, I also printed off a different one. Waste not, want not and I try to fit as many images on a full sheet as possible. There was another really cool skull I wanted to play with. Cue "Bones" theme song here.

Cut 2 circles of scrapbook paper, Mod Podged on back of clear glass plates

Applied Metal Leaf adhesive, I used "Mona Lisa" brand. Let dry until clear.
If you've never worked with metal leafing,'s messy but no messier than glitter. If you use the two together, abandon all hope of neatness. A trick I learned at an art show was to crumble the sheets up so you don't end up with really straight edges when you apply. I didn't want complete coverage so I broke up pieces, scattered on randomly, and then you need a really good stiff brush ( I use a small stenciling brush) to "smoosh" the leafing on. There are some tutorials on leafing / gilding here.

Once that was done, I painted over the whole back of the plates with black acrylic paint and when dry, sealed w/ Mod Podge. Flipped them over and got out my skull graphics (trimmed really close) and adhered them to the front and:
Skully Plates

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  1. Those plates turned out great. All eery and just right for Halloween and the fall holidays. Congrats on your 100th post Ü

  2. I love the leafing technique! Its looks super spooky. And congrats on your 100th post!!

  3. Skully plates: beautiful! 100 posts: whoohoo! The future of your blog: to infinity and beyond.

  4. These turned out great! I did gold leafing a year ago on some plates for a "fall" look, and it's so much fun! Mod Podge is awesome!

  5. The plates look great, and congrats on your 100th post!

  6. Love your plates. Thats a great image, have only used it on an altered book so far, never thought about anything like this...such inspiration thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  7. The plates look amazing. Awesome job!! I'm following!! :)

    Dawn @ Mom-a-Logues

  8. did you get my email...fell off the wagon after 9 days??? that tag punch jumped right off the rack at me...what could i do...and what did you Xpect??? waste a 40% off cpn...i think not...BUT hubby says i should get back on the wagon...wonder why??? LOL

    HUGS ~victoria~

  9. They are elegantly spooky! Congrats on your 100th post milestone as well. I am very proud of you!

  10. Hi, congratulations on you 100th sure do have some wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing:-) I love the silver and black together on the plates-great job:-)

  11. I'm a skull-lovin' girl so these plates caught my eye at Tatertots and Jello. Thanks for the handy tutorial! They look great!

  12. These look awesome! Perfect for Halloween!! Thanks for sharing the how to... I've never used silver leafing before... I might just have to give it a try! :]

  13. We just found your blog and were really liking it! Such a fun blog! if you need new recipes head on over to our site

  14. Those are so great! I really love how they turned out. very creepy!

  15. Very, very cool! Love them!
    Congrats on the post and the followers! I can only aspire to your level of greatness....sigh....

  16. Love these! What a great idea!

  17. Congratulations on post 100 and hearly 300 followers! WE know what you must eat to celebrate. I must have some (more) too, in your honor, that is.

  18. Congrats to you sweets!!! And are you kidding me?? These plates are AMAZING!!! I love them and they'd look perfect on my Halloween entry table! I'm so going to add them to my list of "to be mades" :D Thank you for showing them off at my party!
    Hugs and happy weekend!
    Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor

  19. Thanks for stopping by! These plates are awesome! I've never used metal leafing, but this makes me want to try it! I'll be following now!

  20. Wow, these are fantastic!!! They look awesome!!!

  21. Whoa, this turned out really cool. Have you ever tried this silver stuff on mirrors to make them look old? Looks like it might work. Congrats on 100 posts & 300 followers! Wow!

    Warmly, Michelle

  22. Oh i love this just love this! Great job! I truly mean that!

  23. Love the skull plates!!! I've never tried this. You make it look easy but looks can be deceiving. :)

  24. Wow, your plates are gorgeous!! And spooky! That metal leafing technique makes the glass look like Mercury Glass, very cool! Thanks so much for linking this up to Brag Monday.

  25. super cool and spooky :) come on over and link up to MMM!

  26. First of all thanks for coming by my blog for a visit today. You have the yellow Scotch glider huh? They are big aren't they!

    I just love all of your halloween stuff! The plates are great as well as the boots, etc.

    I just love the look of your blog too. The rich black and well, chocolate look!

    Will be back to take part in your link party this weekend. Hope you visit again soon.

    Until then~ Sherry

  27. I'm so excited that I saw this! I've been toying with the idea of applying some kind of image to the bottom of glass plates but wasn't sure where else to go with it. Now I know! Thanks so much for sharing this technique and idea.

  28. Your plates are WONDERFUL! I found you on the Graphics Fairy. Fabulous technique!
    I was just going to play with some faux mercury glass ideas that I found in the new Create and Decorate that is similar to what you did. Now I have two ways to try it!
    Thanks for sending the images to Karen and for the tutorial!

  29. Oh Carol,
    Congratulations on being featured on the Graphics Fairy--it is awesome!!!!
    I'm so excited!

  30. These are amazingly awesome. Spooky and chic and fabulous. You outdid yourself!

  31. Love these! Had to share them on my Facebook page!! Fantastic!

  32. super cool & way creepier looking than they were to make- nice work!

  33. Gorgeous! I love this project! I did a bunch of mercury glass inspired plates awhile back. Adding a skull to them would look awesome for Halloween!

  34. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
    Bariatric Wheelchair

    Keep Posting:)

  35. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
    Standard Lightweight Wheelchair

    Keep Posting:)

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