Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Signs Of Things To Come

Stashbusting September is winding down....Day 28 and haven't stepped foot in a Goodwill, Michaels or JoAnn's or my local addiction, The Paper Zone. Friday Friday Friday!

I have decided to try my hand at my first craft fair in November so I've started working on some things for that. Win win 'cause they're from my stash! I am planning on doing a variety of things since I can't seem to stick with making just one thing. So I'll be making some cards, decorative boxes, pillows, decorations, decor items etc. I started with a collection of these little signs that I thought were fun. What do you all think?

The sign w/ the crazy lady says "My Whole Life Is One Of Those Days"
It's A Queen Thing 
The Mumster ( aka my Mommy) sent me a supply of bling for my birthday


  1. Yay!! Congratulations! (On both the stashbusting AND the craft fair.) Loving your projects. Good luck!

  2. You have inspired me to use what is on hand!

    I love all of your stuff today.

  3. We are doing so great!! I can't believe it's almost over. I could do it again in a few months too, what do you think? Congrats again on the craft show!!

  4. These are fab, am sure you will do brilliantly with these, so much fun. x

  5. Oooh a craft fair! How fun. :) I love the crown and button combo signs. Those need to come to my house. ;)

  6. I like the button paper you used. I especially like how it looks on the "Its Good to Be Queen" sign.

  7. Those are all highly lovely and I hope you sell millions! You'll have to tell us all about it, I have never done it and want all the tips. (Pretty please.)


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