Saturday, July 10, 2010

Apparently, I'm Very Versatile

because Steph S, from "A Day In The Life Of A Grad Student's Wife" has presented me with another "Versatile Blogger" award! Thank you so much Steph!

UPDATE: Jessica, from Caterpillar Family passed this on to  me the next day so I'm cheating a bit and combining it with Steph's. 
Steph has a lovely blog and right now she's got a feature called Stephanie S Button and a picture of my favorite drink in the entire world, a Starbuck's Iced Mocha, so you know we get along fine! And she has an etsy store with some very cool signs.

So now on to the rules of the award and I have to say, I have a dilemma. I have been fortunate to receive a few of these lately and since you have to tell 7 things about yourself and I am just NOT that interesting, I'm going to modify this a bit. I have mentioned that I can relate almost anything to a movie so I'm going to list the 7 movies I've seen at least 7 times!
  1. "The Godfather"
  2. "The Godfather Part Two"
  3. "Steel Magnolias"
  4. "The Color Purple"
  5. "Terms of Endearment"
  6. "Rocky"
  7. "The Hunt For Red October"
How's that for versatile? And now to the 15 bloggers to whom I'm passing this on:
  1. 504 Main (Holly loves mochas too!)
  2. Beyond The Picket Fence
  3. Blommi
  4. Cindy Adkins Whimsical Musings
  5. Decor Chick
  6. Diary of A Chocoholic ('nuff said!)
  7. Envirocraftiness
  8. Flamingo Toes
  9. Less Cake More Frosting
  10. Life By Chocolate
  11. Ma What's For Dinner?
  12. Mom. Undecided
  13. Roller Coaster Life
  14. Sweet European Dreams
  15. These Creative Juices
Please go check out these wonderful blogs! Thanks again Steph!


  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2010

    Oh my gosh you made my day!! I literally have tears in my eyes I am so excited!!! Gosh I love you =) haha

  2. Thank you so much, sweet choco-lover friend! I so appreciate it, especially since we just met. We are clearly on the same deliciously chocolate page.

  3. Congratulations on your Award! How fun to have someone think so nicely of your and your blog! You deserve it!

  4. Aren't you the best!! Thanks so much for the sweet award! :)

  5. Thank you so much for the sweet award!! You're so sweet!

  6. Thank YOu! I'm posting it under my awards right now!!!!


  7. Thank you so much for the sweet award--that is so sweet of you! Oh my gosh!!!
    And I love your movie list...I was just thinking of Terms of Endearment last night...When I see it, I think it is so indicative of my mom and my's uncanny.
    Have a beautiful day! And thank you again!

  8. Thanks for the kind words! Yep, Iced Mochas are pretty much the most perfect drink, EVER! Enjoy your day!

  9. Thank you so much for the great award, it brightened my day, and those have been a little stressful lately.

  10. CONGRATS on your latest achievement!

  11. cong. on your award. you shine.

  12. Thanks so much for the award. I loved the movie list idea! My husband and I are constantly quoting movies. We blame our stupid moments on the fact that a great deal of our brains are taken up with movie quotes! (but I'm pretty sure that's just an excuse!) Steel Magnolias is pretty much the greatest. Good pick!

    Thanks again!!

  13. Steel Magnolias is a CLASSIC! LOVE it!

  14. ahhh... I see I'm a day late and dollar short. haha. I passed you the award too :)

  15. OH wow!!! Thank you! I will be acknowledging and passing along shortly. Thanks so much, I'm touched!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  16. am a little slow getting over here for mochas and awards...sorry! Congrats to you on your awards and thank you ever so much for passing one on! I appreciate it and will enjoy it while I drink my mocha!

  17. I have definitly watched Hunt for Red October 7 times, LOL! Congrats on over 200 followers and on the blog award!


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